Australian Parliament Lifts Ban On Saying 'Mate'
CANBERRA (AFP) - Officials in Australia's parliament have been forced on Friday to rescind a decision to bar the building's security guards from addressing visitors as "mate" after the move sparked a nationwide uproar.
The row erupted after the Parliamentary Services Department issued a notice to security guards during a routine meeting Thursday reminding them of the need to be courteous to people they encounter at Parliament House in Canberra.
"(Security) officers are requested to treat any visitor to Parliament House with respect and courtesy and not address them as 'mate' or use similar colloquialisms," the notice read.
1. Would this directive have applied to Murray Whelan?
2. So does that mean "foreign running-dog lackey" is no longer an acceptable colloquial greeting? How about "dingo-face"?
3. Exactly how many seconds should the forehead remain kowtowed to the ground?
4. Don't people have better things to worry about?