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September 7, 2005
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Vicki Sue Robinson has left the building.
I guess there's no need to keep putting my name on these Sacred Grove blog entries anymore, since PrincessFaz is no longer co-adminning this site. In fact, it might be better to post these anonymously, and then walk away quickly and pretend I had nothing to do with them. *tum de dum de dum*


Now, here's an interesting coincidence. Two of the top-grossing movies in the U.S. this summer were remakes of the very two movies that scared me most as a kid:

1. War of the Worlds
2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Let's just keep going with this trend. How about a remake of "The Day After"? And while we're at it, why not redo "Squirm" (in which a hick town is terrorized by man-eating earthworms that come out of the faucets). And that traffic-safety film they showed us in elementary school, where the girl slips on a snowbank and gets run over by a bus.

Yes indeedy, there's some lucrative box-office potential there, deep in the catalog of Childhood Traumas. In the meantime, I'll be hiding under the couch with a baseball bat.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 2:58 PM EDT
Updated: September 7, 2005 3:09 PM EDT
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