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June 6, 2006
The Dave-inci Code
For centuries, the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci have been harboring a remarkable secret. There's more to "The Last Supper" than meets the eye.

At the left of Jesus is the mysterious disciple known to historians as "Spit of Tarsus". Where did he come from? Who paid for his bus fare?

On Jesus' right sits Audrey Magdalene. Some scholars believe she is the "Holy Shot Glass" celebrated in song and legend.

And what's that on the table in front of Jesus? Lamingtons? Has the Eucharist been getting it wrong all these years?

Need further proof? Notice how the composition of the central group of figures forms the letter "W". As in Wenham.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 3:38 PM EDT
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July 19, 2006 - 2:28 AM EDT

Name: "sampa24"

Thank you ! your news  woke me up!..So, Don't you go to San Diego ? Don't you have enogh time &chances to go there? Have you ever met David himself? If I lived  in your countory ....  By the way I always enjoy taking a walk in your Dasy's  Sacred grove ! It's confortable place to me!

August 4, 2006 - 3:05 PM EDT

Name: "dessicatedcoconut"

Thank you, Sampa!
Unfortunately, I live as far away from San Diego as it is possible to get, and still be in the U.S.  Also I didn't find out he was going until a few days before Comic Con.  I've never met him.  Maybe someday!
David occasionally comes to Japan, doesn't he?

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