Now Playing: Weezer - 'Island In The Sun'
I haven't had a chance, until now, to fully reflect on the recent loss of Steve Irwin. Like the rest of the world, I was profoundly shaken and saddened to hear the news that he had died while snorkelling off the Great Barrier reef.
What I appreciated most about Steve was his contagious enthusiasm. Sharing his genuine passion for the natural world was far more effective in promoting the cause of conservation than preaching. He made a career out of drawing attention to neglected, less-than-cuddly creatures - snakes, scorpions, crocodiles - and making us fall in love with them, even as we secretly thrilled to the risks he was taking. As one of my friends said, "He didn't have a death wish. He had a life wish."
Despite his outsized, larger-than-life persona, he never took himself too seriously. He had fun with his own image - who can forget that ESPN ad where he wrestled the U. Florida Gator mascot to the floor?
In some ways, I think Steve was even more idolized overseas than at home in Australia. He was a perfect ambassador for his cause - cheerful, charismatic, hard-working, a magnet for kids. David Wenham was so exceptionally lucky to have a chance to work with him in Crocodile Hunter.
Australia has lost a legend and a one-of-a-kind hero. Goodbye, Steve...we'll miss you.