Faramir and Dilios. Let's compare:
1. Both wear leather.
2. Both are the sole survivors of a hopeless military campaign.
Obviously, this means David's been typecast. He now has no choice but to appear in these upcoming film projects about lopsided battles fought in supple bovine pelts:
1. La Charge Aux Folles A gay version of Pickett's Charge. "Does this secession make my butt look fat?"
2. Easy Bonaparte Waterloo, re-enacted by rival biker gangs. "Bornnn to be exi-i-i-led..."
3. Theirs Not To Reason Why The Charge of the Light Brigade, except with hunky RAF pilots. If they'd all been wearing expensive leather bomber jackets, maybe they would have been a little more careful about galloping half a league onward into the Valley of Death, hm?
4. We Band Of Brothers The Battle of Agincourt, from the French point of view, as fought by 1980s heavy metal guitarists.
5. Da, Comrade! The Ukranian Waffen SS Division Galicia holds off the Red Army's advance on Lviv in July of 1944 while wearing S&M gear.