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December 12, 2006
Mood:  accident prone

My cyber-twin Pengwyn recently commented on how strange the acting profession is, when you compare it to other jobs.  Few other jobs require you to alter your appearance, mannerisms, and voice every few months.  As Pen commented, poets aren't told they have to grow a beard or dye their hair in order to compose verse.  They don't have to fly to Prague, write two lines, then fly to a studio in LA six months later to write two more lines that take place earlier in the poem.  Plumbers aren't told they're too thin or too old or too ethnic for the part.  Teachers don't have to adopt a Russian accent for the fall semester and a Canadian accent for the spring semester.  My job description doesn't say "must resemble Sean Bean".

Acting might not be steady work, but it certainly isn't monotonous.  I think it would be interesting if accountants had to get their ears pierced in order to get a promotion, and nurses had to learn how to use a bow and arrow.

While we're on the subject of work, here's a small piece of advice:  never medicate a cat on the morning of your annual performance review.

Midway through the meeting, my boss got an odd look on her face and said "What is that?"  I looked down, and found an antibiotic pill stuck to my shirt pocket.  The cat had coughed it up surreptitiously while I was busy praising him for being a good boy about swallowing his pill.  Apparently I had spent the entire morning prominently sporting the yellow and white capsule. 

We agreed that one of my "2007 Goals & Objectives" would be not to walk around with pharmaceuticals stuck to my shirt.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 1:48 PM EST
Updated: December 12, 2006 2:33 PM EST
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