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February 5, 2007
The Helot from Nantucket, part 2
Now Playing: Angular banjo

FCC regulations require that if we publish a limerick about McLeonidas, we also devote equal airtime to Dilios.  Cover your ears, children.

There once was a Spartan named Dilios,
Who got an eye wound that was really gross.
In a brown leather thong,
That protected his 

Oops!  Sorry about that.  Limericks are like bowling balls.  They always want to veer straight into the gutter.

Let's start over.

There once was a Spartan named Dilios,
Who got an eye wound that was really gross.
In a brown leather thong
That made him look strong 
He rallied all Greece 'gainst their silly foes.

Red Queen, of ADW, also penned this brilliant verse, which features some very creative rhyming of "Dilios":

There once was a Spartan named Dilios
Whose eye wound made everyone bilious
He used to reveal it
And tell them to feel it
And not to be so supercilious.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 9:46 AM EST
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