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February 7, 2007
Chicken Soup for the David Soul
Now Playing: "Emperor Of The Highway" by Todd Rundgren

Usually I'm not one to kvetch about winter, coming from a long line of stoic New England pioneers who also spent blustery days posting to the Internet from the comfort of their toasty, witch-heated log hovels.  (See: "Patience Allerton's Lyve Journale...Being a True Account Of a Most Vexed Hair Day at Ye Plymouth Malle")  But I feel compelled to share this remarkable fact:  yesterday morning, the wind chill on Mt. Washington was -74.

That's seventy-four.  Below zero.


Even the surface of Mars is warmer than that.

So let's devote today's post to cheery, warming thoughts:

1.  300 opens one month from tomorrow!

2.  Followed shortly by Marriage!  I mean, Married Life!

3.  I can't recall ever reading a bad review of David's work.  In fact, he's often cited as the bright spot of otherwise unremarkable films/plays.  Without him, there would be a lot more unremarkable films/plays.

4.  Someday, an asteroid will hit the Earth, and there will be no more "Mallard Fillmore" comic strips.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 5:34 PM EST
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