"Beast of Burden" by the Rolling Stones came on the radio this morning while I was driving to work, and I realized how horribly I've misheard the lyrics over the years.
For a long time, back in the day, I thought they were singing "I'll Never Eat Your Pizza Burnin' ". My naively youthful ears interpreted "you're a pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty girl", as "You're Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Pryor". At one point, I swear, Mick Jagger sings "suck a duck".
It's not just that song, either. Initially, I heard "Spirits In The Material World" as "There Are Spirits In My Hot Cereal Bowl". It took me years to figure out that in ELO's "Evil Woman", Jeff Lynne was singing You found a fool lying in a daze, not You found Ethel lying in a daze. And don't even get me started on Elton John.
I've never had this problem with David's narration. His voice is clear as a bell, even on my ancient TV with muddy sound. Maybe that's why he's an actor, not a rock singer.