"Though the concept of being held in place in the dark and licked by an orc was dreadful in the extreme to Faramir, to his horror and confusion the sensation itself was not...wholly unpleasant."
-- Captain of Mordor by Draylon
Licked by an orc? Is that like being touched by an angel?
I have a new obsession besides Engrish: lolcats. What are lolcats, you ask? (or rather, I ask rhetorically on your behalf, since I can't hear you through the computer screen). Lolcats are captioned photos of cats making faces and/or engaged in weird activities. The captions are written in misspelled, pidgin English, as though typed by the cats themselves. I love them. They're utterly ridiculous, cute, and addictive.
Example of a lolcat:
Lolcats are often posted on messageboard forums as a commentary on the discussion:
Lolcat captions frequently take one of two forms:
1. "I has X" (where X is an attribute or a prop, like a wig, or swim goggles, or a minivan). Examples:
2. "I'm in your X, doing Y". This type of caption comes from an old video game taunt, "I'm in your base, killing ur d00dz". Examples:
(note the "trompe l'oeil" laptop screen...)
Other lolcats are just...well, they speak for themselves:
There are even lolpresidents:
Now, I was tempted to create a batch of loldaves. For example, Jim Doyle: "i'm in ur hard drive, wrekking ur credit record". Or Carl: "i has jingl bellz on my hatt." But they're just not as funny as with the cats.
(To enjoy more lolcats, visit I Can Has Cheezburger?)