Excerpt from an LA Times interview with Frank Miller, in response to criticism of 300's portrayal of Persians:
"Miller scoffs at those notions. "I think it's ridiculous that we set aside certain groups and say that we can't risk offending their ancestors. Please. I'd like to say, as an American, I was deeply offended by 'The Last of the Mohicans.' "
*sigggghhh* Nothing gets my dander up faster than a bad analogy. I sort of understand what Frank Miller is trying to say, but it's not a great example. The Last of the Mohicans doesn't depict British settlers as a mutant army of goat-headed perverts led by a gay giant. Nor are we currently at war with the British. Nor are they worried about their global image, or about becoming the targets of hate and discrimination abroad. So STEP OFF, GIRLFRIEND. Don't make me wag my forefinger at you.
(Side note: my brother, whom faithful Grove readers know as "Dinky Davey Diddums", was an extra in Last of the Mohicans. I haven't seen the movie, though, so I don't know which senselessly slaughtered background Native American is him. However, as an American, I am deeply offended by Frank Miller's being deeply offended by this film.)
Now, it's not really Frank Miller's fault that the right wing has hijacked 300 as a rallying point for the perpetual Wo-ah On Terr-a. But I'm still going to wag my forefinger at him anyways, because all of his stories are riddled with the same stunted black-and-white morals that are used to justify perpetual war and belligerent foreign policy in the real world (or at least, in this country). Some of our loudest cheerleaders for war actively avoided combat and military service: George Bush, Tom DeLay, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Trent Lott, Dennis Hastert, Dick Armey, Bill Frist, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich (need I go on?). Yet they've made a career out of trashing the records of those who did serve (John Kerry, Jack Murtha, Max Cleland, Al Gore, Ted Kennedy), in order to further their own political interests. Max Cleland lost three limbs in Vietnam, for God's sake, and his opponent ran ads denigrating his service, impugning his courage, and practically accusing him of tongue-kissing Osama bin Laden. It's hard to imagine anything more cowardly, hypocritical, and profoundly unpatriotic.
And yet, we see 300 constantly being invoked by these same right-wing commentators as a moral guide to the universe. I can't even count how many rah-rah-war-is-great editorial pieces I've read that cite 300. I think these people actually do envision themselves in leather diapers, delivering spectacular slow-motion ass-kickings to terrorists. That is, they WOULD put on a military uniform and go all Leonidas in Iraq, but America needs them to sit behind a keyboard and blog about how evil all the "surrender monkeys" are.
George Orwell, in his essay "Notes on Nationalism", defines nationalism as "the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labelled 'good' or 'bad'." He further defines it as "the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests." To Orwell, nationalism was a form of blind moral insanity. But the phenomenon will be instantly familiar to viewers of '300', and anyone who's paid attention to the political scene in the US over the past 7 years.
So I say, let's not confuse foreign relations with WWF Smackdown matches. Or fantasy with reality. Or manhood with continual, unrelenting violence and misogyny. Anybody who gets their moral values from comic books, as David would say, "needs to have their head read."
On a completely unrelated topic, my house got sprayed by an albino skunk last night. Nothing - and I mean NOTHING - lingers like skunk. We once had a weiner dog with a Napoleon complex, who got into a scrap with a skunk one night. The weiner dog latched on to the skunk's butt and clung on for dear life. The skunk sprayed directly into his open mouth and all over his head. For about 18 months afterwards, every time it rained, the weiner dog exuded skunk, like one of those plug-in air fresheners.
Baking powder and tomato juice help, but if you get any eau de skunk on your own skin, it will be a long time before anyone will want to slow-dance with you.