Dessicated Coconut

ROTK in Netspeak

Presenting the "Retreat from Osgiliath" scene, re-written in AOL chatroom speak!  Close your eyes....abandon your preconceived notions of your inner 13-year-old girl....
-- make_it_stop
Soldier: kEwl! ay yo every1, itz teh wh1te r1d3r!!!1111

(teh Nazgul harsh a77 ov3r teh horsez and stuFF)

Faramir: yo double-G Gandizz, th3 0rcz cheezed our defences. m0rd0r ownz0r3d us. d3y hav m4d sk1llz!!!1 i c0uldnt f1ght w/ all th0se perps sWeat1ng me.

Irolas: ROTFL! d3n3th0r totally pr3diktd dat, homeez.

Gandalf: pr3diktd, y3t couch-potatoed. dat st3w4rdz wack, man. hez a n00b.

[Gandalf turnz. Faramir, liek, toT4lly seez Pippin. He starez at teh ho88it.]

Gandalf: LL Kool Phatamir...u s33n sh0rt d00dz liek him b4?

Faramir: LMAO!

Pippin: j00 saw fro_D0 and $aM?

Gandalf: w00t! thAt r0xorz my b0xorz. wh3re? wehn?

Faramir: in 1th1713n, < 2 dayzzz ago. gaNd1zzz, th3yre r0ad-tripp1n 2 teh Morgul Vale. u can buy b33r w/o an id there. boo-yaa!

Gandalf: ya. not 2 mention teh Pass uv Cirith Ungol.

Pippin: Yo, sup? wahtz worng?

Gandalf: spill, st3w4rd-boy! gimee teh 411. or im a p0p a cap in you. word.

Faramir: whoops, parentz over shoulder. gotta bounce

Gandalf: ok. c u l8r

Pippin: ciao4niao

Faramir: ; )
To be continued...   (Writing this stuff makes my brain hurt.)

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