Dessicated Coconut

Stupid Gondor Jokes

Q: What's ferociously sexy and orbits the earth?
A: Fara-Mir.
Faramir:  Hey, Dad.  Knock, knock.
Denethor:  Who's there?
Faramir:  Faramir.
Denethor:  Faramir who?
Faramir:  Exactly.
Q: How many Stewards does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two.  One to change it, and one to go on and on about the history and glory of the dead lightbulb.
Q: No, really, how many Stewards does it take to change a light bulb?
A:  One.  All he has to do is talk about what a great job his first-born son would have done at changing the bulb, and his second-born son will do it for him in an attempt to win his respect.
Q:  No, no, really.  How many Stewards does it take to change a light bulb?
A:  None.  Gondor has no light bulbs.  Gondor needs no light bulbs.
Treebeard:  Knock, knock.
Faramir:  Who's there?
Treebeard: Ent.
Faramir:  Ent who?
Treebeard:  Ent you going to let me in?
Q:  What did Faramir say when he stepped in a puddle of honey?
A:  Oh my God -- I'm melting!
Q: Did you hear about the Ranger who shot an arrow into the air?
A:  He missed.
Q: What did one Citadel Guard say to the other as Denethor raced by on fire?
A: "There goes Denethor, making an ash of himself."
Q: What did the other Citadel Guard say to the first one as Denethor raced by on fire?
A:  "Build a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life."


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