As we eagerly await news of David's next film, TV, or stage role, let's see if we can use the process of elimination to narrow down the possibilities. Here is a list of movies that David won't be appearing in in 2007.
Sonic Raptor
Hamlet 2
Plastic Bag Caught In An Updraft
Bad Cop! No Donut!
Internet Message Boards: The Movie
The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill And Came Down A Mountain And Went Over Another Hill And Then Walked Over Three More Mountains And Past A Lake Till He Came To A Pub And Went In And Had A Few Guinnesses And His Wife Is Still Wondering Where He Went
Leprechaun 8: Straight To Video
The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down Under 50 Miles An Hour Or It Would Explode
Zeus vs. The Care Bears
See? Already it's easier to guess where we'll be seeing David next.