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January 20, 2007
Fuzzy Sky Bling
Now Playing: Mysterious whamming noises in the basement

David Wenham movies are like comets.  They come around periodically, shine very brightly, and then recede into the farthest reaches of the solar system.  Only the most dedicated fan/astronomer can spot one coming.  In ancient times, they were thought to portend mass outbreaks of delirium.

In honor of Australia Day (upcoming), we devote this small space to Comet McNaught, which was discovered last summer by an Australian astronomer and is currently putting on quite a show in the southern hemisphere.  By many accounts, it's one of the brightest comets in the last half-century.

In the northern hemisphere, it was visible only for a few days.  I caught it last week just after sunset, with a pair of binoculars (after staring at a jet contrail for five minutes, thinking that was the comet).  McNaught is pretty, with a graceful curving tail, and it should remain visible south of the equator for the next week or two.

How come Australians get all the comets AND all the David movies? *mutter* *mutter*

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 11:50 PM EST
Updated: January 21, 2007 12:27 AM EST
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