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January 28, 2007
The helot from Nantucket
Mood:  smelly

 Yesterday, as I was drowsily coming to after a nap, a limerick about Gerard Butler sprang full-blown into my head:

There once was a Scottish-born Spartan,
Who showed up on set wearing tartan.
Said Zack, "Why the kilt?
Is it modesty?  Or guilt?"

Unfortunately, the last line is unprintable.  It cannot even be uttered aloud, because it would cause houseplants to wilt and birds to burst into flame in midair.  Sometimes my muse can be a real pottymouth.


Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 10:39 PM EST
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January 29, 2007 - 11:24 AM EST

Name: "meaningofhaste"
Home Page: http://ADW

  1. So what IS the last line (you can put it in code, or pig Latin)?

February 1, 2007 - 11:07 AM EST

Name: dessicatedcoconut
Home Page:

"meaningofhaste" wrote:
  1. So what IS the last line (you can put it in code, or pig Latin)?

I'll PM you the line, MoH.  If I post it here, this blog will become radioactive, start pulsing in iambic pentameter, and melt halfway into the earth's core, causing the entire population of North America to mutate into young gherkins named Perkin and monks named Kerplunk.

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