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March 6, 2007
300 marketing campaigns for women
Now Playing: Tatterdemalion Stomp

To promote '300' and draw in the guys, Warner Brothers has been partnering up with pugnacious ventures such as Ultimate Fighting, NHL, and Bodogfight (a mixed martial arts league).  Interviews have been appearing in mags like Men's Fitness and Men's Health, emphasizing the training, the muscles, the ass-kickingly kick-ass kicking of asses.  Very manly, very Hemingwayesque, but also very narrowly targeted.

Feeling left out?  Despair not, O Spartan sisters.  Our turn has come.  Today, the Grove proudly presents


The officially licensed 300 Spartan Lipstick Scimitar
Aloe-rich moisturizers AND self-defense, all in one.
Add random Frank Miller-style crimson slashes to your clothing, using either end!
Also doubles as a cuticle stick.

The 300/Glade Scented Plug-In Air Freshener
"Shield" your home from unpleasant odors!  Plugs into any outlet.
Choice of 3 scents: Moonlit Walk, Peaches 'n' Petals, Sweet Stench Of Your Enemies' Corpses

Are You There Zeus? It's Me, Dilios
Classic young-adult chick lit, revised for today's
battle-savvy teen.
All of Dilios' friends are starting to notice girls and kill Persians. Dilios feels left out during this "special time" in his life.  Will his voice crack when he narrates?  Will he be the last in his regiment to grow back his chest hair?

I had some other ideas involving frilly pillows and day-care centers, but those are perhaps better left to the imagination.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 4:51 PM EST
Updated: March 7, 2007 12:48 PM EST
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