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March 12, 2007 300 review !!
Mood:  on fire

YEAH baby! Finally!! 300 is out at last, and GLORYOSKI, is it ever spectacular.

We took in a Saturday matinee, at the local Shoebox 8. The movie theater was about ¼ full. (In this neck of the woods, that constitutes a sell-out crowd.) Brimming with anticipation, we bought tickets and happily settled into our seats.

Just as the movie began, a guy with an enormous firkin of popcorn arrived, scanned the acres of empty seats, then decided on the seat directly in front of me. He had a bushy gray mad-scientist hairdo that added about 6” to his height and blotted out the bottom edge of the screen. It was like watching the movie through shrubbery. I have just the worst seating karma. At the movies, I attract groups of 6’7”, fez-wearing basketball players with restless leg syndrome. On airplanes, I’m always sitting behind the one person who decides they must recline their seat alllllll the way back for a 45-minute flight. It’s not that I object to people wanting to stretch out – lord knows the airlines don’t give you much personal space – but I have long legs (34” inseam) and it’s a little distracting to have both kneecaps jammed askew for the duration of the flight. Airlines should offer “reclining” and “no reclining” sections.

Now, where were we? Oh, yes…300: the Hair Gone Wild edition.

LOVED it. For what it is, an adaptation of a graphic novel, it succeeds tremendously. Forget historical accuracy: Zach Snyder goes for the cartoonish exaggeration of mythology and oral tradition, and on that level, it’s a bull’s-eye. The cinematography is flat-out gorgeous. Most of the shots could be framed and hung in a museum. To name just a few favorite visual moments: The Oracle, writhing in a white nebula of shimmering gauze. The Spartans, knowing they’re about to die, huddled together in a dome formation with shields up, looking like a vulnerable, gilded tortoise. A beautiful aerial fresco of the 300 dead Spartans sprawled on the ground, pincushioned with arrows, deep in the eternal slumber of glory.

Composition and texture are stunning and sumptuous throughout, and exactingly faithful to the book. The landscape and sky of ‘300’ have a rich, creamy, golden haze like burnished armor, like a half-remembered dream. Against this backdrop the Spartan soldiers march to war, each soldier rendered with a gritty, hyper-real texture. Grainy close-ups reveal every pore, every speck of dirt, every drop of sweat. (‘300’ must look interesting in high-definition television.) The shields are pocked and dented; you can hear every dull clang of sword, every crunching footstep in the sand. War is the only tangible reality in the world of ‘300’. Everything else is just an abstraction.

Now, ordinarily I’m not a huge fan of war movies (or war, for that matter). Your average battle scene has a chaotic, numbing sameness. Once the armies clash, the screen is filled with quick cuts of yelling, grunting, mud, horses, explosions, shields, whacking swords, falling corpses. All you see are body parts. You’re never quite sure what’s going on. Who just got stabbed? Where’s the hero? Who’s this with the axe? Was that the bad guy or the good guy who got pulled off his horse? Which side is winning? Can we get on with the story? My eyes glaze over and I stop paying attention. (The male equivalent is sitting through a Jane Austen adaptation going “Man, this is boring. Where are the exploding helicopters and head kicks? Please…just one little car chase!”)

Well, there was no eye-glazing here. I was totally mesmerized. The battle scenes in 300 are utterly unique, unlike anything you’ve ever seen. When the Spartans hunker down into full phalanx formation and push against the oncoming waves of Persians, moving as one unit, you can feel the effort, taste the sweat – you’re right in there with them, taking cover behind the shields, desperately trying to maintain footing in the rocky dust, driving the enemy towards the cliffs on Leonidas' orders. When Stelios and Astinos break rank and go on a slo-mo balletic rampage through the Persian line, their murderous dance intoxicates you with the drunken grace and poetry of war. It’s preposterous, yet beautifully executed. The Spartans’ strength and discipline are obvious (as is the actors’ mastery of fight choreography). It becomes entirely plausible that with the Hot Gates at their backs, 300 Spartans might stand firm against wave after wave of poorly trained, poorly motivated slaves.

During the night battle, one amusing moment came when the Uber-Immortal cave troll thing fell on top of one of the Spartans. A dribble of yellow saliva came out of its mouth and landed on the Spartan’s face. Then the Uber-Immortal was stabbed through the mouth in a particularly heinous, gruesome, blood-splatting manner. The girl behind me exclaimed “Oh, gross! He DROOLED on that guy!” We got a chuckle out of that one.

The performances: great. Ahhh, Dilios….you complete me. David does a fabulous job of portraying Dilios with quiet intensity. I was sad that they cut most of his campfire storytelling scenes out of the movie, because then it would have been more clear why Leonidas singled him out to go tell the “grand tale” of the Spartans. It’s not like Leonidas can say “You have a special talent because…um….you’ve been narrating this film the whole time.”

Besides, those campfire stories provide some much-needed comic relief. In the book, I love the scene where Xerxes’ emissary arrives haughtily at the Spartan camp and finds Dilios in the midst of a story about the Olympics. Dilios completely ignores the huffy emissary, turning his back as he builds up to the punchline, “The Greeks know what is right…but only the Spartans do it!” In the film, the emissary is met instead by some indifferent wall-building Spartans. The trash-talking is amusing, but I miss the bonding, cheerleading, morale-building side of Dilios’ character.

This will sound blasphemously un-Spartan, but David looks totally cute in his bandage and scruffy hair and red cape, on top of looking smokingly hunky and ripped. You could say the rosary on his 8-pack (speaking of blasphemous…but hey, after seeing this film, I do believe in the resurrection of the body and abs everlasting). Strangely enough, David really does resemble book-Dilios. Not so much in looks -- book-Dilios is dark haired and rustic-looking, with chubby cheeks -- but in his mannerisms, his facial expressions, the way he sits, the way he ties the bandage over his eye, the way he walks and speaks with Leonidas. David inhabits the body of Dilios in the same hulkingly graceful way as his book counterpart, all broad shoulders and simian arms. I was absolutely blown away, considering the limited source material he had to work with. How on earth can he channel a cartoon character so convincingly?

As a nice bonus, Dilios gets a couple of lovely close-up hand shots. Happy happy joy joy, for all of us who think David has very sexy hands.

David’s narration is wonderful, with an authoritative soldier’s timbre tempered by the gentle lilt of recollection. At times, it almost sounds like a bedtime story being told to a circle of wide-eyed grandchildren, enhanced by a few little armored-rhino and elephant embellishments. It’s a testament to the self-effacing unity of the Spartans that Dilios isn’t tempted to make himself into the hero of the whole thing. There are a couple of moments where the comic-book style narration doesn’t quite translate to the screen. For example, when Leonidas is awaiting the verdict of the Oracle, suddenly Dilios is heard disdainfully muttering “Filthy, disease-ridden old men” (or something to that effect), and it sounds like Gerard Butler is having an internal monologue in David Wenham's voice. On the comic page, where Dilios can make editorial comments inside a little white box, it’s not so startling.

One small plot hole: the last encounter between Leonidas and Xerxes and the slaughter of the 300 occurs after Dilios gets sent away, so how does Dilios know the end of the story? One probably shouldn’t spend too much time worrying about it. Dilios is omniscient. Dilios knows all. He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake.

There were one or two added visuals that made me go, “the fuh?”, such as the goat-headed clarinet player, the big Jabba-the-Hut dude with the bladed flipper forearms, and pretty much everything else going on in the Persian orgy scene. All the grotesque inbred deviance inside Xerxes’ tent makes it look like Leonidas is fighting, not just for freedom, but to keep all of Greece from being turned into a nightclub for pre-op transsexuals. As threats go, krumping in a mosh pit to Eiffel 65 seems like less of a horrible fate than, say, the total annihilation of democracy, but that’s just me.

Actually, ‘300’ has roiled up a lot of controversy for lumping together all the deformed, dark-skinned, and gay characters on the bad guys’ side. It’s a pretty simplistic (dare we say comic book?) view, not to be taken seriously, especially since it springs from the fevered imagination of Dilios. Although it is sort of fascinating to observe the hypocrisy of Frank Miller’s Spartans towards homosexuality. The major sin, apparently, is not being gay, but being weak and effeminate. Those “boy-loving” Athenians – they couldn’t fight their way out of a Gucci bag. (Snap, girlfriend!) Potters, bakers, and sculptors, masquerading as soldiers? Please. Androgynous Xerxes, with his multiple piercings and fishnet bling Speedo, never even sullies himself with fighting. His nakedness is all about displaying male eroticism; Leonidas’ nakedness is all about displaying male power. Even the Queen isn’t permitted to succeed on feminine terms. Having failed to sway Leonidas’ rival with the traditional arts of Venus, she must make her point to the Spartan council the old-fashioned, manly way, by stabbing Theron (who conveniently had the Persian gold concealed on him….do togas or codpieces have pockets?), then turning his own rape speech against him. That moment drew plenty of appreciative claps and whistles from the audience. In front of me, Hair Guy continued to munch his popcorn contentedly.

Xerxes’ Star Wars cantina party aside, I was also a little dubious about arming the Immortals with Molotov cocktails (or Tehran cocktails, if you like), a Tang dynasty invention that wouldn’t be used in warfare for another, oh, 900 years. There seems to be an ironclad law in Hollywood that all battles must contain explosions, no matter what the era. (“Kingdom of Heaven” has a protracted castle siege that looks like the firebombing of Dresden. I swear there’s some F-16s in one scene.) I must say, it did look very pretty, lighting up the screen with a brief fireworks display, but I had to actively stuff my disbelief back under the seat and tell it to be quiet. The sword and spear work stands on its own and doesn’t need stuff blowing up in the background. But, well, you know. Narrators.

At the end, Dilios has some huge and moving scenes. He’s the guy who brings news of the battle back to the queen, tells the story to the council, rallies the armies of Greece, and gives them the St. Crispin’s Day/Aragorn At The Black Gates speech. Wow, was he ever magnificent and commanding. I didn’t know David had that in him. (I did briefly wonder, when the camera pulled back to reveal 6 trillion troops packed into 17 miles of hillside, whether the people in the back might have had the teeniest difficulty hearing him. But they all roared “HA-OOO-AH!” on cue, so I guess not.) In the final moments, as Dilios charges towards the screen, with Greece at his back, you feel your heart soar. To victory! One of the most magnificent endings ever.

The animated end credits, inspired by images from the novel, are very cool too, and worth sticking around for. The flying blood – SPLOOSH! GERARD BUTLER…… SPLASH!! DAVID WENHAM – caused my companion to ask with bemusement, “Even the credits have to fling blood at us?”

“Oh, yes,” I said. “And it doesn’t end there. Warner Brothers employees are stationed outside the door of the theater right now, waiting to splatter us with blood as we leave. Like those perfume sample people who spritz you in department stores.”

“That reminds me….what’s for dinner?”

History does not record where we dined that night, but that afternoon, we dined in heaven. I think I shall be seeing ‘300’ a few more times.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 5:41 PM EDT
Updated: March 12, 2007 6:05 PM EDT
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March 6, 2007
300 marketing campaigns for women
Now Playing: Tatterdemalion Stomp

To promote '300' and draw in the guys, Warner Brothers has been partnering up with pugnacious ventures such as Ultimate Fighting, NHL, and Bodogfight (a mixed martial arts league).  Interviews have been appearing in mags like Men's Fitness and Men's Health, emphasizing the training, the muscles, the ass-kickingly kick-ass kicking of asses.  Very manly, very Hemingwayesque, but also very narrowly targeted.

Feeling left out?  Despair not, O Spartan sisters.  Our turn has come.  Today, the Grove proudly presents


The officially licensed 300 Spartan Lipstick Scimitar
Aloe-rich moisturizers AND self-defense, all in one.
Add random Frank Miller-style crimson slashes to your clothing, using either end!
Also doubles as a cuticle stick.

The 300/Glade Scented Plug-In Air Freshener
"Shield" your home from unpleasant odors!  Plugs into any outlet.
Choice of 3 scents: Moonlit Walk, Peaches 'n' Petals, Sweet Stench Of Your Enemies' Corpses

Are You There Zeus? It's Me, Dilios
Classic young-adult chick lit, revised for today's
battle-savvy teen.
All of Dilios' friends are starting to notice girls and kill Persians. Dilios feels left out during this "special time" in his life.  Will his voice crack when he narrates?  Will he be the last in his regiment to grow back his chest hair?

I had some other ideas involving frilly pillows and day-care centers, but those are perhaps better left to the imagination.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 4:51 PM EST
Updated: March 7, 2007 12:48 PM EST
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March 5, 2007
300: Skate To Glory
Mood:  vegas lucky

This post is brought to you by '300' and the NHL. 

Are there any other Grove denizens out there who are fanatical about skating? 

From the moment I could walk, I've had a deep and abiding passion for ice skating.   All my brothers played hockey.  When they practiced, I was usually the "goalie", which meant standing against the garage door ducking slapshotted tennis balls. (Having lots of older brothers is a good way to develop fast reflexes.)  In the winter, my friends and I spent every day after school and weekends playing tag and crack the whip at the local pond.  Later on, I figure skated competitively and played in a women's roller hockey league.  I love the Winter Olympics, in a manner that is illegal in most states.

So, I was thrilled by the news that the NHL is teaming up with Warner Brothers to promote '300' and hockey simultaneously.  I also got a guilty but sustained belly laugh from the trailer for "Blades Of Glory", which happened to be next in line at the MTV site after "300 Seconds Of 300".  "Blades Of Glory" looks like one of those movies that actively destroys your neural ganglia, but I can't resist a film that lampoons figure skating.  Especially when viewed right after a testosterone-drenched 300 trailer.

It's kind of like that "Seinfeld" episode where George Costanza decides to combine all of his passions (sex, TV, and pastrami sandwiches) into one disgusting, unspeakable activity.  Hockey and 300 just naturally go together.  They have a certain bloodstained, hacking resemblance to each other, except that the Battle of Thermopylae was far less violent.  And of course, figure skaters and Spartans both favor skimpy costumes.

Was it coincidence that 300 was filmed in Montreal, hockey capital of the planet?  I think not.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 1:58 PM EST
Updated: March 5, 2007 3:00 PM EST
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March 1, 2007
If I Ran The World...

....I would add David's face to Mount Rushmore.

That thing could use some eye candy.


Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 11:18 AM EST
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February 27, 2007
Game Theory
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Night Of The Avenging Blowfish

Get out your nerd glasses and pocket protectors!  It's time to talk game theory and "The Proposition".

Game theory, a blend of statistics and human psychology, examines how people behave in situations where they're given a choice between making a small personal sacrifice to improve the outcome for the group ("cooperating") and grabbing a larger individual gain at the expense of the group ("defecting").  Often, individually rational decisions lead to a collectively irrational outcome, such as bank panics, global warming, overfishing, and the Prisoner's Dilemma, a famous thought experiment devised by Merrill Flood and Alvin Dresher.

In the Prisoner's Dilemma, two men who have jointly committed a crime are taken into custody.  They are held separately, so they can't talk to each other.  The police don't have enough evidence to convict them, and they must rely on testimony from the men.  The prisoners are given a choice between turning state's evidence and confessing, or remaining silent:

If both remain silent, both will get 1 year.

If Prisoner A confesses and Prisoner B remains silent, Prisoner A will go free, while his partner will get the full 10 year sentence.  (The reverse is also true.)

If both confess, both will get a reduced 5 year sentence.

Obviously, the best outcome would be for both to "cooperate" and remain silent.  However, since they are in separate cells, they can't confer with each other and agree to do this.  Neither man knows for sure what the other one will do.  So each man's reasoning would go something like this: "If my partner stays quiet, my best move is to betray, as I would then go free instead of getting a 1 year sentence.  If my partner betrays, then my best move is still to betray, since I would get a lighter sentence of 5 years instead of 10.  No matter what my colleague does, I'm better off confessing."  Both men, reasoning in this manner, are likely to confess, and the result is a 5-year prison term for each.

So, you can see the similarities between this dilemma, and the dilemma at the heart of "The Proposition".  Charlie is told that if he kills his older brother Arthur, his younger brother Mikey will be spared.  Should Charlie cooperate, or defect from the deal?

Game theory allows us to look at the possible outcomes:

1. Charlie cooperates and Captain Stanley cooperates:  Arthur dies, and Mikey goes free.

2. Charlie defects, and Captain Stanley cooperates: Arthur lives, and Mikey goes free

3. Charlie cooperates, and Captain Stanley defects: Arthur dies, and Mikey is hanged

4. Charlie defects, and Captain Stanley defects: Arthur lives, and Mikey is hanged

From Charlie's point of view (comparing the outcomes where Charlie defects to the outcomes where he cooperates), outcome 2 is preferable to outcome 1, and outcome 4 is preferable to outcome 3.  Either way, he's better off defecting.

From Captain Stanley's point of view (comparing the outcomes where Captain Stanley defects to the outcomes where he cooperates), outcome 4 is preferable to outcome 2, and outcome 3 is preferable to outcome 1.  Either way, he's also better off defecting.

Game theory predicts that both will betray the deal, and that is in fact what happens.  Charlie, instead of killing Arthur, makes a pact with him to ride back and break out Mikey.  Eden Fletcher defects from the proposition over Captain Stanley's protests: he orders Mikey to be flogged, and Mikey dies of his injuries shortly thereafter.

The Prisoner's Dilemma is a frequently-used plot device throughout art and literature.  Puccini was very fond of it.  In Tosca, the corrupt police chief Scarpia offers Tosca this deal: if she sleeps with him, he will see that her lover Cavaradossi is spared from execution by ordering his soldiers to use blank bullets in their rifles.   Both end up defecting from the deal.  Tosca pretends to acquiesce, but stabs Scarpia to death as they lie in bed together.  Unbeknownst to Tosca, Scarpia has secretly double-crossed her and ordered his soldiers to use real bullets.  When she realizes this, Tosca jumps to her death off the ramparts of the castle.  (Amusing side note:  Sometimes, in staging this opera, a trampoline is positioned behind the set to break Tosca's fall.  It's not unusual to see Tosca come bouncing back up after jumping off the wall.)

If you've seen the movie A Beautiful Mind, you're probably somewhat familiar with game theory.  John Nash (played by Russell Crowe) made important contributions to game theory and mathematics. He is best known for "Nash equilibrium points": zero-sum game outcomes where no player, knowing with 20-20 hindsight which strategy the other person chose, would change the strategy they chose.  Nash equilibrium points represent an outcome towards which all players gravitate (even though, for the players, the individual payoffs may be less than desirable).

The Proposition beautifully illustrates a Nash equilibrium point.  Had Charlie known that Eden Fletcher was going to scotch the deal and flog Mikey to death, he still would have made the same choice to save Arthur.  Equally, Eden, had he known that Charlie was going to recruit his brother and ride back into town, would not have changed his behavior towards Mikey.  So the plot unfolds dharmically, like a Greek tragedy, along a foreordained path.  Mikey was doomed from the start.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 9:20 AM EST
Updated: February 27, 2007 10:37 AM EST
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February 22, 2007
Cleaning out the ol' mental desk drawer
Mood:  special
Now Playing: "Love In The Time Of Cholesterol"

This morning, I had it in my mind to write a blog entry comparing the Cain-and-Abel elements of "Dust" and "The Proposition", and the way each movie plays out Old Testament themes of vengeance and betrayal, against a hellish landscape that reflects man's fallen state and expulsion from Eden (Fletcher).  But that seems too much like a school term paper.

I've also been meaning to write a eulogy for Molly Ivins, who I've quoted in this blog before.

Charles Krauthammer said, in the days following 9/11, that there are two types of people in this world: candle-lighters and candle-snuffers.  Molly Ivins was a candle-lighter.  She was a columnist for the Texas Observer and Fort Worth Star-Telegram, who lost her long battle with breast cancer on Jan. 31st.  Texas is often compared to Australia, and Molly Ivins was its Shane Maloney, chronicling the absurdities of local politics with hilarious results.  She famously called Texas "the national laboratory for bad government", noting that a lot of ill-conceived policy ideas are first incubated in the state capitol, then exported to Washington.

Even as she skewered greed and corruption, her weekly columns abounded with humanity, quick wit and colorful phrases: "weaker than bus-station chili", "madder than a peach orchard boar", "if his IQ was any lower, he'd have to be watered twice a day", and my personal favorite: "Many people did not care for Pat Buchanan's speech.  It probably sounded better in the original German."

For many years I've admired her firebrand courage in speaking truth to power, as I admire anyone who stands up for justice no matter what it costs them.  She'll be greatly missed.  62 was much too young to lose her. (Please, make sure you and your loved ones get your annual exams.  Remember the Mount Franklin campaign.  Do it for the whales.)

So what I REALLY wanted to blog about today was David's fans.  David may be the funniest man on the planet, but dang if he doesn't also have the funniest fans on the planet.  In my wanderings, I've met some really amazing people who also love David: midwifes, nurses, teachers, published poets, technical writers, artists, mothers, students, musicians, bellydancers.  I've gotten emails from Spain, Australia, Japan, Germany, Canada, the UK, Italy, France, and the Netherlands.  I've met extraordinarily kindhearted people such as:

- Rosie, equally quick with a witticism or a hug, currently at work on a novel with

- RedQueen, who is one of the most breathtakingly hilarious people I've ever encountered

- sh_wulff, whose posts have a dark and luminous beauty, like melted chocolate

- Pengwyn, whose mad prose skillz and swiftly darting mind leave me simply prostrate with awe

- Lucidity, quizmaster and fiercely loyal Carl partisan

- Lhaewin, a dear German friend whose English is even better than mine ;)

- meaningofhaste, whose conversation ranges comfortably from the loftiest peaks of intelligence to the deepest sinkholes of silliness without batting an eye 

- Rhetta, a lifelong Texan, cat lover, and Australophile

- Nenya, who's one of those friends that you feel like you've known your whole life, two seconds after you meet them

- Minkey, internet sleuth extraordinaire, who always seems to know what's happening with David three days before anyone else knows it

- dragonfly, a very talented graphic artist, and Stef, a very talented fanfic writer

- Phan, who has the most insane sense of humor (and I mean that in the best way possible)

- And many, many others (I hope I haven't inadvertently left anyone out - if I did, yell at me in an email and I'll devote an entire blog entry to you).

As a group, David fans have fascinating lives and hobbies, a terrific sense of humor, and an appreciation for subtlety.  Maybe that's a case of like attracting like.  David isn't the kind of guy who whops you over the head with the club of his Brilliant Acting (rather, he stealthily abducts you with the Chloroformed Rag of Brilliant Acting), so those who appreciate him tend to be people who see more deeply into things.  Antoine de St.-Exupery might well have been talking about Daisy Nation:  "What is essential is invisible to the eye.  It is only with the heart that one can see rightly."

There.  That felt good to get all that off my chest, and clean out the Grove's mental desk drawer.  Except now I've forgotten my social security number, and what I was going to say at the end of this sent

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 11:28 AM EST
Updated: February 22, 2007 1:13 PM EST
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February 15, 2007
Funniest man in the universe (besides our Glorious Pancake Emperor, of course.)
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: "Take Five" - Chet Atkins

Dialogue of the week:

So anyway, my episiotomy tore.

-- the very first words spoken to my sister by the new school secretary as she breezed through the door for her first day on the job

Our new sex swing is only rated for 400 pounds, and I guess it must have pulled the stitches out.

-- the very next words spoken to my sister by the new school secretary

And your name is -- ?

-- my sister's response

Oh, I'm sorry.  I didn't introduce myself.  My name is Angie.


Weird...I have this strange blank spot in my memory, where the previous blog entry should be.

And why are my knees and elbows sticky?

And what's this pattern burned into the grass of the back yard?  It looks kind of like this:



So anyway...(as my sister's secretary would say)...Hugh Jackman says that David is the funniest man on the planet, and today I intend to back up that statement with an abundance of amusing Daisy quips.  Lie back, relax, and think of England.

"My life at the moment is a bit like my wardrobe. Organised chaos."

"Do I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror admiringly? Absolutely, I say, tongue in cheek."

"My horse hated me...I had ridden horses before and had no problems, but right from the start we never got on. It was a tense relationship. He was quite stroppy and always glad to get back to his trailer. Everyone thought it was funny but me.''

"I haven't done Gough [Whitlam] for quite some time, but I had the privilege to sit next to him some time ago. I was at a charity function and one of the items up for auction was a paperback book that Gough had written. I'd obviously had a couple too many during the evening and my hand just kept going up. It wasn't really in conjunction with my brain at the time. Eventually the hammer came down and they said, "Sold! To David Wenham!" for an undisclosed sum that was a month or two of my wages. Gough could not control his mirth at the price somebody was paying for a paperback of his book. So I leaned across to him and I said, "A bargain," which gave me a great deal of joy. He laughed for about 10 minutes. I still haven't paid off that loan."

"We've had the spaghetti western - this is the 'baklava western'."

"It wasn't until SeaChange that my mum finally stopped reminding me I should never have left the NRMA."

"I was very comfortable, even though I was dressed in leathers. Rolling around in the dirt and whatever - I took to it like a pig in mud."

"I must have had a very deep voice at the age of seven."

"It was only afterwards in the forum when somebody asked 'What was it like with all of us here watching you in the nude?' that it really hit home. I thought 'Gee, you were too, you dirty dogs'."

"When Murray uses a broom and a chair to fix a roof that's about to come down, you know that he hasn't watched any of the 800 renovation shows on television."

"If I'm the new Russell Crowe, does that make Russell the old Russell Crowe? You know, I think he'd like to be Russell by himself." 

"We didn't earn much money but I did win many chooks and meat trays throughout New South Wales."

[David] pauses to exclaim at a pair of teenage boys in T-shirts and board shorts, who he says have just passed by him, lighting enormous cigars. "God," he remarks, "this is a strange place."


Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 5:50 PM EST
Updated: February 15, 2007 6:23 PM EST
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February 9, 2007
Mood:  spacey











Image copyright © Anke Eissemann/Aunt Jemima Industries

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 11:04 AM EST
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February 8, 2007
Movie maladies
Mood:  lazy

Here's some useful knowledge.  In one of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" books, mandrake root is used to cure paralyzed victims of the Basilisk Stare.

You may have also fallen prey to this malady at some point, or know a David fan who has.  But Basilisk Stare isn't the only film that poses a danger to your health.  Below, we offer time-tested folk remedies for ailments brought on by other David movies, such as vapors (LOTR), dropsy (Seachange), collywobbles (Van Helsing), and jazz hands (Moulin Rouge).

SEACHANGE - To ward off dizzy spells, purchase fresh mullet at the fish market.  Throw one onto the roof of every house that borders yours.  Then knot nine scrabble tiles into a handkerchief and wear it around your neck.  (Don't use Q or J, they'll just give you a headache.)

DUST - Rub your face with equal parts dirt and watermelon juice.  Lie down on the ground in a sheep pasture with your head facing towards Macedonia, until a peasant girl comes along to nurse you back to health.

VAN HELSING - Using a roll of duct tape sprinkled with holy water by a priest, tape your ears forward so they stick out at a 90 degree angle.  Your head should resemble a cross.  This will aid circulation to the brain and restore the balance of the humors.  Especially among your friends, who will get an enormous chuckle out of watching headwinds waft you up into trees.

MOULIN ROUGE - Put on some Nat King Cole, apply a poultice of sauerkraut and kimchee to your forehead, and obsess over Carol Channing.

LORD OF THE RINGS - Tie an eel skin around your knee and lie on a sandy shore while the tide is going out.  The retreating waves will carry away your fever.  Also your wallet and car keys, if you're not careful.

THE BANK - Boil up a porridge of old mortgage statements, red wine, ink, and a thread from your best tablecloth.  Drop in one overdue library book.  When it has cooled, pour the slurry into a bucket and use it to paint "I HATE BANKS" on your front door.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 9:29 AM EST
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February 7, 2007
Chicken Soup for the David Soul
Now Playing: "Emperor Of The Highway" by Todd Rundgren

Usually I'm not one to kvetch about winter, coming from a long line of stoic New England pioneers who also spent blustery days posting to the Internet from the comfort of their toasty, witch-heated log hovels.  (See: "Patience Allerton's Lyve Journale...Being a True Account Of a Most Vexed Hair Day at Ye Plymouth Malle")  But I feel compelled to share this remarkable fact:  yesterday morning, the wind chill on Mt. Washington was -74.

That's seventy-four.  Below zero.


Even the surface of Mars is warmer than that.

So let's devote today's post to cheery, warming thoughts:

1.  300 opens one month from tomorrow!

2.  Followed shortly by Marriage!  I mean, Married Life!

3.  I can't recall ever reading a bad review of David's work.  In fact, he's often cited as the bright spot of otherwise unremarkable films/plays.  Without him, there would be a lot more unremarkable films/plays.

4.  Someday, an asteroid will hit the Earth, and there will be no more "Mallard Fillmore" comic strips.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 5:34 PM EST
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