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August 17, 2004
Erin Go Blog
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: 19th-Century Polka Ballads of the Upper Peninsula
Well, OK, so my name isn't Erin...but I am half-Irish. That should count for something, right?

One of the things that really impresses me about David is the slow evolution of his roles over the years. Gradually, he's gone from playing generic background characters with names like "Hotel Guard #2", to nerds and psychopaths, and more recently to bewildered men approaching midlife and battered by the demands of fin de siecle masculinity. Roles like Alex in "After the Deluge", Murray Whelan, and the forthcoming "Three Dollars" contain tremendous emotional depth and complexity. It takes a very skilled, nuanced performer to portray these men convincingly.

The conventional rap against David (if you can call it that) is that he's too goofy and singular-looking to play leading romantic men. Au contraire, mon frere. As the French say, it is to snort. Seachange and Better Than Sex should have laid that charge to rest years ago. I mean...just...look at him. Besides, David's true strength lies in portraying the edgy and eccentric and real. Airbrushed romantic heroes are boring and forgettable. Give us multi-directional hanks of red hair, and that sweet Aussie accent!

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 3:55 PM EDT
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August 17, 2004 - 8:26 PM EDT

Name: dessicatedcoconut

What does fin de siecle mean??? Por favor??

August 18, 2004 - 10:48 AM EDT

Name: dessicatedcoconut

Fin de siecle literally means "end of the century". It's a term used to describe epochal changes within a society (fin de siecle architecture, fin de siecle art, etc.) as a new century approaches. So fin de siecle masculinity refers to the shifting challenges of manhood here at the dawn of the 21st century. In other words, what it means to be a father, son, brother, worker, breadwinner, etc., in an era where men are now participating more in the emotional and domestic domain. David's been doing more of those type of roles lately. A modern guy coping with family, job loss, aged parents, rootlessness, urbanity, etc.

Maybe I'm being way too eggheaded here.

dAvidd iz h0ttttt!1111

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