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I feel your pain, PFaz. I had all sorts of righteous intentions for the summer as well (plant tomatoes, volunteer at the local Audubon refuge, take up surfing), and I'm still waiting for the warm weather to start.
So what IS the deal with no Fara-phenilia at the current LOTR exhibit in Boston? From the sound of it, the exotic Middle Earth races are heavily represented (hobbits, elves, Orcs), with very little Gondor stuff aside from a banner, a helmet, and Dead Boromir In A Boat. Surely they could have made a little extra room for Faramir's beautiful Ranger outfit, and/or his sword (unofficially known as Angstduril, or Walter; since Tolkien didn't see fit to give it a name).
I adore Angstduril/Walter, almost to the point of fetish. The green leather grip, the shiny pommel and beautifully balanced fullering, the two seabirds etched onto the hilt. It has a straight hand guard, whereas the other Gondorian swords all have crescent hand guards. According to the official "Big Geeky Popup Book Of LOTR Arms And Armor", the straight hand guard is characteristic of ancient Numenorean weapons, while the crescent hand guard was adopted in later years. It was said of Faramir that Numenorean blood ran almost true in his veins, and his unique sword design reflects that status.
I'm just floored by the amount of care and attention that was lavished on the costumes, furniture, and props in the LOTR movies. The level of craftsmanship is astounding, considering how fleeting most of the appearances were. Distinct architectural, metallurgical, textile, and woodworking styles were developed for every culture. I'm really looking forward to seeing the exhibit in person.
But it still would have been better with Walter.
For an excellent and incredibly detailed analysis of Faramir's costume, visit Fileg's Toronto Exhibition page.
Posted by dessicatedcoconut
at 1:52 PM EDT