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August 26, 2004
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: the field...
Okay, I am preparing for a visit by my older sister, Boromira. She is going to drink wine and watch all the Sharpes. I love Sharpe, I do, and I love Bean, I really do, just not as much as David. And I must say, after watching hours of Sharpe and hearing the sighs, gasps, chuckles, etc over by my sister, it gets a little old. Give me just a few minutes of Richard Shorkinghorn or a quick viewing of the VH interview, please!!!! Guess I'll have one or ten drinks, extra olives on my pizza, and grit my teeth...

Faramir, give me the strength...

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 12:40 PM EDT
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August 26, 2004 - 12:41 PM EDT

Name: dessicatedcoconut

Why doent my picture work?

August 26, 2004 - 2:46 PM EDT

Name: dessicatedcoconut

Ply your sister with alcohol, get her to fall asleep, then secretly replace Sharpe with something a little less historically accurate, like Josh.

Which pic were you trying to link to, PFaz? I'll see if I can fix it. - MIS

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