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August 26, 2004
Now Playing: Red Sox vs. White Sox (in the laundry, that is...)
PFaz, somehow you'll have to grin and bear it...People have lived through worse than Sharpe videos. Just close your eyes, and think of England.

Well, David's pizzas are completely safe from me. Everybody has one "horror food" that they'd die rather than eat, and olives are it for me. Yellow, green, brown, black...they're all highly toxic, fleshy death orbs. I realize that people do eat them, and they are considered food in some parts of the world, but no olive shall ever voluntarily cross my lips. I'd happily eat floor sweepings instead.

Strangely enough, I cook with olive oil constantly and use it in salads. It's the little spherical containers I have a problem with.

On a less gruesome topic, I donated blood this morning. The questionnaire is getting longer and longer. Now they're screening for SARS and West Nile virus, as well as AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, Cruezfeldt-Jakob (aka Mad Cow), hemophilia, insulin use, drug use, prostitution, etc. They didn't ask me whether I'd eaten any olives recently, which they should have, IMO. Recipients should be tested for oliveglobulin compatibility. What if I'm in a car accident, they give me a tranfusion, and I get a terrible reaction from someone who ate an entire jar of tapenade before donating?

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 2:37 PM EDT
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August 28, 2004 - 12:54 PM EDT

Name: PFazz

LOL I love olives. I saw on a show once where people have these unexplained fears of them and wont go near them? Is yours that bad yet??? :D

August 29, 2004 - 10:35 AM EDT

Name: make_it_stop

You mean there's actually a documented olivephobia syndrome, PFaz?

Luckily, my olive dysphoria isn't THAT bad. I'll look at olives, touch them, and listen to them, but that's it as far as the five senses go. (Smelling and tasting are out of the question). Their briny sourness is too overwhelming. I do admire people that can eat olives, in the same way that I admire people who can tame lions and drive flaming race cars. It's something totally outside my realm of experience.

Food preferences are so random. It all depends on how your taste buds are calibrated. I eat lima beans by the bushelful, a vegetable that the rest of the human race shuns as unclean. I don't know that I'd get them on pizza, though.

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