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August 30, 2004
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Zither Hits of 1978
What kind of a mood is "loud"?

As PFaz aptly points out below, "A Little Bit of Soul" contains many, many nuggets of life-altering wisdom. Rabbis could spend centuries debating the ethics of keeping chickens in cages, and performing Richard Shorkinghorn midrash (I think that's the word for it, when you sit around and argue scripture).

Here's some stuff I learned from "Little Bit Of Soul":

1. The urge to eat onion rings off your fingers in private is normal and universal.

2. Try to arrange for murders to take place in the bathroom. Cleanup is a little easier on tile.

3. Don't drink an entire bottle of cognac in one sitting. (Two sittings should do it.)

4. Stephen Hawking is hilarious.

5. Careful when rolling around in cow pastures.

6. When playing Charades, stand there and make a squinty face so your teammates will know exactly what you're acting out.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 6:45 PM EDT
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August 30, 2004 - 8:12 PM EDT

Name: dessicatedcoconut

Fratchy and midrash and fin de siecle have me mystified. I still never found your explanation...but excellent points all around, old chum...(too much Sharpe lately)

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