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August 31, 2004
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Boxcar Slim And The Plastic Bleach Jug Experience
Heh heh...looks like you're "still Sharp(e)", PFaz.

Good point about remembering to bring your gigantic T-shirt along when staying over with strangers who might try to seduce you. Richard looks more like an Extra Medium to me. :)

I've been watching the final Futurama series on DVD (which bills itself as "Hee Haw, with lasers!"). BEST.SHOW.EVER. I keep having to rewind because I'm laughing too hard to hear the dialogue. Fry, with his red coiff and gee-whiz earnestness, could easily pass for a teenage David. How can you not love a show where, instead of Half & Half, people put Third & Third & Third in their coffee? Fox should never have cancelled it.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 11:11 AM EDT
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August 31, 2004 - 12:39 PM EDT

Name: PF

Is this the thing that Wilma raves about? Maybe I should rent it and give it a whirl. I dont know who's in it, anyone famous? Or just cuties? :D And I love third and third and third...I should be doing that.

September 1, 2004 - 5:18 PM EDT

Name: MIS

I didn't know Wilma liked it too. It's an animated show, done by Matt Groening (of Simpsons fame). Peg Bundy from "Married With Children" (Katey Segal) does one of the voices. You really should rent it, it's a hoot. Sewer mutants wear "F shirts" instead of "T shirts", because they have both arms on the same side of their body. Art Garfunkel's head in a jar gives concerts with a Paul Simon robot who emits monotonous electronic "Scarborough Fair" choruses. The satire is sharp as a tack, and pleasingly demented.

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