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July 11, 2009
Baseball Miscegenation
Mood:  incredulous

While strolling in the park recently, one balmy golden eve, I came upon a twentysomething couple holding hands.  Ah, young love, thought I, smiling indulgently.  Then they came closer, and my heart froze in horror.  He was wearing a Yankees hat.  She was wearing a Red Sox hat.

Oh, fie!  Vile, vile, filthy abomination!!  Worse than Hatfields and McCoys.  Worse than Capulets and Montagues.  A love wrong on so many levels.  What if those two got married and had kids?  Mutated, confused kids, who chant "1918!" while getting all weepy over "Sweet Caroline", whose only role models are Roger Clemens and Johnny Damon?  It doesn't bear thinking about.

The Federal Defense of Baseball Act states: Marriage is between one Red Sox fan and one Red Sox fan.  Or one Yankee fan and one Yankee fan.  Period.  I can't even look at this photograph without flinching.  Those pinstripes are...touching...his strike zone..... 


This prohibition applies across the board, by the way.  Cleveland fans may only marry within the American League West.  Mets and Braves gametes must not mingle...well, you get the idea.  Exception:  Cubs fans may intermarry freely.  They're like the universal blood donors of baseball fans.  Everyone loves the Cubbies.

Speaking of things Chicagoesque, the consensus on Public Enemies seems to be that you should not go see it solely for David, as he is not onscreen a great deal and doesn't have much of a speaking role. (Although he is the first character seen in the film.)  However, you should definitely see it if you like Johnny Depp or Christian Bale or have an interest in that period of history; and of course the big-screen theater experience can't be duplicated at home.  (Well, not at Casa DC, anyway; I don't know about your home setup....)

I think I'm probably going to wait for the DVD, mostly because free time is in short supply this month.  Review to follow later.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 12:35 AM EDT
Updated: July 11, 2009 1:35 AM EDT
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July 4, 2009
Gone cloud-o
Mood:  cool

There's an Australian expression, "gone troppo", meaning someone who's gone mad or soft in the head, presumably from baking under the tropical sun too long.  It's probably one of those slang phrases that's only used in front of tourists and George Harrison, but I've always liked it.

Apparently, we need an equivalent expression for northern climates - gone freezo? gone tundro? - because here in the northeastern US, we're all about to go stark gibbering bonkers from the perpetual rain.  About six weeks ago, the sun disappeared behind a boiling bank of cement-colored clouds, and has barely been seen since.  Either it's drizzling, or misting, or pouring, or thundering, or all four at once.  The trees are sodden, the parking lots are flooded.  There's mushrooms in the basement, the lawn looks like a radioactive Chia pet, the Portland Head foghorn is hooting mournfully, and we shouldn't be wearing polar fleece and paying oil bills in July.

Some volcano in Alaska erupted in March and disrupted the North Atlantic oscillation, causing the jet stream to move way south and trap storms over the Great Lakes, and that's why we're stuck with this perma-blah weather pattern.  It reminds me of that Ray Bradbury short story where the sun only comes out once every 100 years for an hour, and the girl gets locked in the closet by her classmates when the magic hour arrives.  It's especially cruel to be robbed of summer after suffering through nearly six months of winter.  And senseless, when the rest of the country is currently broiling in a heat wave.  Hey, Florida, can you guys send us 20 or 30 degrees of that 110-degree high, if you're not using them?  We've got some extra fog and puddles we can swap you. 

To while away some of this interminable rainy-day silliness, the other day I was emailing my friend, whom regular Grove readers (is it too optimistic to use the plural here?) know as The Elrond Swooner.  I wanted to try out my new gmail account.  Google mail is slightly creepy because it scans your emails for keywords, and then places ad links next to your email page based on the content of your emails. (Similar to what Tripod does with the banner ads on the DC page.)  So, I sent Elrond Swooner an email recounting the previous night's shenanigans, when we had to take the cat to the emergency 24-hour clinic at 12:30 am.  That was the hour at which he suddenly decided to start throwing up gelatinous goo and doing Unspeakable Litterbox Things on the bed.  By the time we got home, it was 3:45 am.  It was a toss-up between going back to bed or saying "the heck with it, might as well just shower and go to work early."

So, I inaugurated my gmail account by sending this plaintive, uh...plaint of thwarted sleep off to Elrond Swooner.  When she replied, I noticed all the Google ad links had changed and were now offering remedies for insomnia, sleep deprivation, and sleep apnea.  Which gave me an idea.  In my reply to her reply, I said "Let's see if we can manipulate these Google links into saying something more interesting.  David Wenham blah blah David Wenham blah blah blah David Wenham."

In response, Google Ads offered up "Suffering from insomnia? Play the Didgeridoo!".

Elrond Swooner gamely gave it a try: "Rich single men dipped in chocolate!" she wrote back.  The links didn't budge.

"You'll have to try harder," I replied.  "Much demand but very little supply."


"Thanks a LOT," I wrote back. "How's that 15-day a.cai berry w.eight loss program going? And your N.igerian husband, how is he?"

(Please excuse the periods.  I don't want the Tripod ad generator getting any funny ideas.)

The links, of course, went, went troppo over those little keywords.  I suppose one could conclude that David is less popular than a.cai (but still more popular than spinach).  Or, more likely, that there is much, much more money to be made off of w.eight l.oss r.emedies than copies of "Answered by Fire".  But still....couldn't Google at least try to sell me some Lord of the Rings figurines or a 300 lunchbox?

By the way, the cat was fine.  Mild c.o.n.s.t.i.p.a.t.i.o.n.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 2:09 AM EDT
Updated: September 14, 2009 10:19 PM EDT
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June 27, 2009
Why I'm Not On Twitter
Mood:  suave

One of the qualities that I most admire about David Wenham is his ability to avoid gaffes in interviews.  On video and in print, he comes across as mature, confident, and very well-spoken.  Some of this, I suppose, comes with years of practice handling press conferences, Q&As, and interviews, but you really can't fake menschiness (for lack of a better word). He always answers questions thoughtfully and to the point, with just the right touch of personal wit (I love, for example, his post-300 comment: "I'm up to seven cheat days a week").  When it comes to other actors and directors, he's unfailingly gracious, praising their good points without being gushy.  He isn't prone to ghastly career-killing oopsies, like Holocaust denial, beating hotel clerks with phones, or plying minors with rum and quaaludes.  Nor does he say ditzy things like "I've been noticing gravity since I was very young."

I say this because for some reason, I've had several encounters with gaffes the last couple of weeks.  I have this theory about gaffes.  You see, thoughts are like the inmates of a mental hospital, constantly plotting to escape.  We all have weird, dark, or inappropriate thoughts from time to time.  But most people also have a desk person sitting at the front of their brain, whose job it is to prevent the more alarming inmates from escaping into the outside world, and to only allow the sane, socially acceptable thoughts out.  And most of the time, that desk person does a good job.

But every once in awhile, the Desk Person gets distracted and starts reading the newspaper, or doing her nails.  Then an inmate slips past and escapes into the outside world, and voila: a gaffe.  You probably know people who don't have any sort of Desk Person at all.  Every thought that bubbles up into their mind is immediately voiced, regardless of how inappropriate it might be.  "Wow, you look sallow today," they'll say. "Did I tell you my episiotomy tore?  Yeah, turns out our sex swing is only rated for 300 pounds.  By the way, I saw a cow once."

My Desk Person isn't that bad, but she does nod off a lot.  Luckily, the inmates of my asylum aren't mean, evil, or vicious.  They're more of the non sequitur variety.  You know, the kind of dumb things you blurt out privately to someone at a party just as one of those random conversational hushes falls over the entire room.

For example:  Last week at a work meeting I brought up a concern to the engineering team about our software product's Excel add-in.  The add-in was allowing access to custom financial formulas developed by one of our clients.  The formulas are proprietary, and our client doesn't want other companies to see them.

"Oh," said the development manager, "well, that's not a big deal.  They'd have to know what the formula was and actually type it in."

At this moment, my Desk Person apparently got up and went for coffee.

"Not a big deal?" I blurted.  "Someone could still stumble across it by mistake.  Supposing a monkey happens to get loose in their office?  And starts randomly banging away on a keyboard?  And it somehow accidentally opens Excel, and by pure chance types one of the formulas?  And then the client sues us, and the monkey gets sent back to the zoo, and it never gets the opportunity to write Hamlet?"

This was the team's response: 

*crickets* *crickets* *crickets*

And then, the grownups resumed talking.

This is why I'm not on Twitter.  Because Twitter is dangerous for people with lunatic thoughts and a faulty Desk Person.  Dark impulses go from your brain straight to the internet and stay there forever.  140 characters is just exactly the right length for embarrassing outbursts.  These things go on your permanent record, you know.

The past couple of weeks alone, we've had several Twitter gaffes from politicians.  Senator Chuck Grassley, channeling his inner 13-year-old girl, sent out this tweet during Obama's visit to Paris:

Pres Obama while u sightseeing in Paris u said 'time to delivr on healthcare' When you are a 'hammer' u think evrything is NAIL I'm no NAIL

ZOMG, Senator!!!11oneone  You mean he's not your BFF?

Then Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan issued this melodramatic tweet:

Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the house

In other words, when Nancy Pelosi blocked that energy bill last fall, it was just like the violence, suffering, and massive civil unrest sparked by the Iranian elections!

It's like saying:

Had to wait in line for 5 minutes to buy coffee today.  Now I know how East Timor citizens felt when they voted.

Stubbed my thumb on the door latch this morning.  Reminded me of Faramir getting shot by arrows and dragged by a horse and set on fire.

I finally beat my husband at Scrabble.  It was just like the Spartans at Thermopylae.

And finally, GOP operative Mark Green shared this delightful uncensored thought with the world:


Let's face it, politicians shouldn't be allowed near social networking technology until they can pass a basic literacy and 21st Century Mores test. I realize racist Cro-Magnons don't have Desk People (or even desks), but still.  Do they not realize that other people besides their junior staff interns use the internet?


I also wanted to take a moment to extend condolences to Michael Jackson's family, friends, and many fans all around the world.  Without Michael, the world would never have enjoyed Doug's sneaker-squeaking moonwalk in Cosi.  (One of MJ's songs also inspired the title of one of David's interviews, "Smooth Criminal", which I'm too lazy to hunt down and link to right now, but you know the's got David shooting pool on the cover).

It's hard to think of any other entertainer who was so universally known and loved all over the world, even in remote places and countries torn by war, hardship, poverty, and disease.  He'll be missed.  I hope the afterlife has a great dance floor.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 10:40 PM EDT
Updated: September 14, 2009 11:19 PM EDT
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June 14, 2009
Slow news day
Mood:  lazy

Some headlines you may have missed: 






HELL EVICTS JERRY SPRINGER Talk Show Host Deemed "Too Sleazy" For Eternal Pit Of Torment

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 12:03 PM EDT
Updated: June 14, 2009 1:07 PM EDT
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June 7, 2009
Don't cry for me, Argentina. (I'm already soaking wet.)
Mood:  accident prone

Dear Grove, 

What a strange day.  The morning was spent strolling through the contemporary wing of a local art museum with friends, imaginary smoked salmon canape and glass of Chardonnay in hand, looking at paintings and reading artists' statements like Octopi and helicopters are a recurring theme in the work of Ernie Dinkelfwat.  His angry, slashing line evokes the conundrum of the human predicament.  The exhibit had everything from creepy talking dolls in trunks dully repeating "Fire...Fire..." to a red room full of tables and chairs being gnawed by grey plaster foxes.  There were also 30-foot-tall purple velvet bathrobes, neon figures poking each other in the eye, and some urinals made out of red lipstick.  It was delightfully, bizarrely nonsensical.

What the exhibit really needed was something like this:

with a placard: The viewer is asked to accept that this is one of Australia's finest actors; and if unable to do that, then the viewer is invited to have his/her head examined.

In the afternoon, just for a change of pace, I impulsively pulled off the highway and went to a rugby match, after spotting a billboard along the road.  (A certain portion of my life is ruled by impulse.)  The billboard was advertising some sort of North American tournament going on this weekend.  I love unconventional sports, and it was a beautiful day to be outside.  When I pulled up to the stadium, England and Argentina were about to begin their match.

Rugby isn't a sport I know much about. In college I dated a rugby player for awhile, but I never went to any of his games.  I was too terrified he was going to get his head ripped off.  I do know rugby is different from Aussie Rules - no extra posts in the end zones; no fussy flag-waving umpire dressed like Inspector Gadget in a white lab coat and little hat; no bouncing of the ball off the turf every few steps; lots more interruptions in play - but beyond that, I remain happily clueless about the rules.

As I walked into the stadium, some staff members were handing out cardboard placards that read, "TRY".

"Gosh," I thought, "what a lukewarm cheer.  'Try'?  Are both teams so depressed that it's all they can do to make the effort?"  (Later,
perusing the program, all became clear: a "try" is when someone crosses the goal line and plonks the ball down onto the grass).

At first, it was quite enjoyable watching the game without any idea what was going on.  Groups of Shrek-shaped men, bent over like question marks, shoved back and forth and dug at the turf with their heels.  Occasionally the ball squirted out at a random place.  Some hapless victim would grab it, run 18 inches, and instantly get smacked to the ground.  All supine bodies would then freeze in place, like a 300 Spartan Death Tableau, while the survivors frantically rummaged around in the debris looking for the ball.  My favorite part was when two guys would hoist another guy high into the air to swat at the ball, as if they were all at the ballet.  By halftime, Argentina was ahead, 6 - 3.  (Yes, I know it's proper Queen's English to say "Argentina were ahead", but I've never understood that.  On this side of the pond, Argentina refers to one rugby team.  Singular. It's like "math" vs. "maths".  What's with the plurals, Sceptered Isle?)

Up in the stands, passions ran strong on both sides. Everybody, it seems, was an ardent partisan for one team or the other.  The crowd rippled with flags and team colors.  Directly behind me was a mixed group.  Some were Argentina supporters, some were England supporters.  Both were equally loud and obnoxious, and absolutely schnockered on cheap beer.

"England!" howled the guy right behind me.  "ENGLAAAAAAAAAAND!"
"...Sucks!" rejoined an Argentina fan.
"Oh yeah?  Wha' has Argentina done for you lately?" slurred the English fan. "Or the world?"
"Two words: Diego Maradona!"
"Maradona shoulda played rugby.  He's good with his hands."
"That's like saying Picasso should have played piano."
"You know what the problem is with Argentina?...It's full of Argentinians."
"Better than being infested with English maggots."

Falkland Islands War zinger in 5, 4, 3, 2... thought I.  Sure enough:

"Nice try with the Falklands, losers."
"Who wants that crappy bunch of rocks anyway?  You're welcome to 'em.  MANO DE DIOS!"

The taunts, howls, and good-natured jibes flew thick and fast around me.  I seemed to be the only neutral spectator in that section of the stands.  For a neophyte, there weren't any obvious grounds for picking one team over the other.  Sometimes I go by who has the prettier uniforms, but both teams were fairly bland: England in white, Argentina in white and pale blue stripes.  From an ethnic point of view, the Irish half of me was tempted to cheer for revenge on the murderous English oppressors - and who better than Argentina, the underdog? But then my other half - the murderous, oppressive English half - stirred to the soul by my neighbors' besotted renditions of 'God Save The Queen', wanted to see the glorious motherland triumph.  I decided on a policy of rooting for whoever had the ball.

My neutrality was short-lived, however.  A spray of something wet and sticky went sloshing across my back and elbow.  I turned around and saw the loudest Argentinian fan - a bandy-legged guy with a head of curly hair - waggling his beer cup around as he trash-talked someone behind him.  I slid several feet to the right to sit in front of an English fan.  He leaned over and whispered confidentially, "Sorry about that.  You should root for England.  Our fans don't do shit like that."

A few minutes later, two Japanese ladies came and sat in my recently vacated spot.  Within thirty seconds, they sprang to their feet again. English Fan had knocked over his beer, and there was a flash flood of carbonated malt cascading down the concrete steps.

"You probably should have brought swimsuits and umbrellas," I said to the ladies.

"That's OK, we were just leaving," they said, glaring at the row behind.

I shifted a few more feet to the right, since Lake Beer was rapidly spreading in my direction, and settled in to watch the game again.  Two minutes later there was an urgent tap on my shoulder, this time from two female Argentinian fans.

"Stand up! STAND UP!" they pleaded.  "Quick!"

I leapt to my feet just as a waterfall of spilled Red Bull drenched my rear end, purse, and sandals.

"I don't know whose that was," one of them said.  "It was just sitting here."

"I'm starting to feel like the Hoover Dam," I said through clenched teeth.  "Tell me - and you can be completely honest here - are there any MORE half-empty cups or bottles of random liquid sitting on the floor in your row?"

"No, I think we're clear."

"All righty then.  Watch yourselves."  I perched myself on the 10 remaining square inches of dry concrete and concentrated again on the game.

Three minutes later, there was a pitter-patter of wet droplets on my head.  I looked up.  Curly Haired Argentina Fan was weaving back from the concession stand with two cups of beer.  Correction: one and a half cups of beer.  The other half was now dripping from my hair.

"ARGENTINAAAA!" he screamed. "WOOOO!"

Less than two femtoseconds later, I was sitting down in the front row, cheering lustily for England and pledging my undying rugby loyalty to that green and pleasant land, for now and all eternity. (If the great nation of Argentina is willing to pony up for $4.50 worth of dry cleaning, I may reconsider, but until then: UP WITH SAXONS!). The view wasn't as good from the new seat, but at least it was outside the floodplain.  I could return to letting my jaw go slightly slack and watching the game uncomprehendingly.

As I watched the ball being flicked from hand to hand, and swarms of burly men piling up on one another, I suddenly realized that even though I don't understand the rules, in a primal sense rugby is deeply familiar.  It closely resembles that perennial schoolyard favorite, "Kill The Guy With The Ball" (as it was called in our neck of the woods).  The game consists of a football, tossed into the middle of a huge baying pack of boys. Whoever comes up with the ball runs for his life, with the rest of the crowd in hot pursuit.  Once he's tackled and buried beneath an avalanche of bodies, the ball is dug out and the cycle begins anew.  It's pretty much exactly like rugby, only without boundaries, scoring, or etiquette.  (We girls preferred to play "Watch From The Safety Of The Swings".)

Thinking about that led me to remember another schoolyard game, in some ways just as brutal, called Suicide.  Suicide was one of those rare gender-blind games that everyone played, boys and girls alike.  It was wildly popular at our school. All that's needed are a tennis ball, a brick wall, and a mob of children without any common sense whatsoever. The basics of the game are simple - throw the ball against the wall and catch it - but the rules are extremely complicated, verging on obsessive-compulsive. The ball must be caught and thrown in very specific ways, in the right order, with stern edicts about how to behave if the ball rolls into the grass, if it caroms off the gutter, if it's caught on the fly, if more than one person touches it, which hand may be used to catch it, and so on.  If any of the rules are violated, if the throw and catch sequence doesn't go exactly perfect, you must run and touch the wall before someone else grabs the ball and pegs you with it.

As I recall, if you were hit with the ball, you had to assume the "Being Frisked By The Police" stance up at the wall, and present your rear end as a juicy target.  The other players lined up and each got one shot at your tush with the ball.  I never threw very hard (truth be told, I threw like a girl) but some of the boys relished the opportunity to whip stinging fastballs that left welts.  Suicide was one of those nasty, brutal Darwinian games that, for some reason, you never see depicted on nostalgic greeting cards.  Frequent was the day I would limp home from school, rainbowed with bruises, feeling as though Eden Fletcher had worked over my butt with a cudgel.  (Well, okay, I wasn't really thinking that...that would have been an anachronism, since The Proposition hadn't been filmed yet.  Also, Eden Fletcher didn't personally do floggings.  He had a flunky do his dirty work.  Bastard.)  I don't know why we all kept playing Suicide so unquestioningly, but I guess it was just one of those gratuitous tests meant to toughen us up, to prepare us for life's hardships, like P.E. lap running and Sister Mary Agnes with the ruler.  It makes the spectacle of 250-lb. men ramming into each other like locomotives seem almost normal.

On the way home from the rugby match (which England won 25- 20), with my soaked pants smelling like a frathouse floor on a Saturday night, I had the most wonderful daydream.  A daydream of a row of Argentinian rugby fans, lined up and bent over against a brick wall, waiting for me to baptize the asses of their nice trousers with gallons of Budweiser's finest. (I briefly considered using Guinness, but what a waste.)  Only one problem: I can't decide if this act should take place in a stadium, or an art gallery.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 2:53 AM EDT
Updated: June 14, 2009 12:03 PM EDT
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May 31, 2009
Bossy the Vampire Spayer
Mood:  caffeinated

I don't understand vampires.

That is, I understand the stories and legends.  I just don't get the ongoing mass pop culture craze.  Vampires seem to be a perennial bestseller.  People go gaga for Anne Rice novels and Buffy and Van Helsing and Twilight.  Females are the biggest audience - they seem to have a particular jones for tall, dark, handsome bloodsuckers.  Really, I don't get the erotic appeal of having your neck punctured by a fanged Lothario, and your crimson life fluids drained off.  It's like being sexually attracted to piranhas.  Or phlebotomists.  Sure, vampires are dapper and look great in a tuxedo, but what's with the razor-sharp canines?  Am I missing some essential part of the female brain that thrills to the prospect of bat creatures flapping in through the window and siphoning off a couple gallons of hemoglobin?  Is this abnormal?

A few evenings ago I was hanging out at Elrond Swooner's house (my friend who loves Hugo Weaving, and also vampires...if Hugo Weaving were ever to play a vampire, she would totally plotz).  We were watching Twilight, based on the series by Stephenie Meyer, which has 13-year-olds everywhere in a neck-baring snit.  Not just 13-year-olds, but otherwise perfectly sensible adult women, including half of my female friends, co-workers, and neighbors.  All around here, they're dropping like flies.  Elrond Swooner has also fallen under the spell, ruefully admitting to having a "huge crush" on Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward, the film's teenaged vampire protagonist.  "Team Edward" T-shirts have been flying off the shelves at Hot Topic, and Elrond Swooner has actually been tempted to buy one.  That's how bad it is.  (My favorite vampire-related bumper sticker:  "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?  It is the East, and Juliet is the ---- AAAAAAAAH!"  -- Vampire Theater)

Twilight's take on vampires differs remarkably from Steven Sommers' interpretation.  Twilight vampires sparkle, brood, and play baseball.  They also stroll around in the daytime, so long as it's overcast, making them not so much Creatures of the Night as Creatures of the Avoid Direct Sunlight.  Van Helsing vampires are more traditionally scary, with an aristocratic manner (in the case of Richard Roxborough) and huge fangs and eagle claws (in the case of the brides).  They're predatory and evil and conform to standard vampire taxonomy.  (Although the part about laying eggs was a little much...I wasn't bothered so much by the reptilian implications, but by the discrepancy between the size of those eggs and Dracula's brides.  Let's hope Dr. Frankenstein was able to conjure up some powerful undead epidurals from his lab, because ow.)  On the whole, I could sort of relate to the Van Helsing vampires, because they were scary, rather than misunderstood.

With Twilight, I tried mightily, I yearned to understand, but I just couldn't get past the obvious artifice, and that made it impossible to suspend disbelief and get swept up by the film and by Robert Pattinson's bouffant hairdo.  It's so perfectly calculated to appeal to young teenage girls:  the klutzy, awkward Mary Sue character who miraculously commands the attention of every male in the vicinity, the gorgeous heartthrob bad boy who in reality is about as dangerous as an angel food cake (Brett Sprague would drop Edward Cullen like third-period French.  Even Carl could beat him up, for that matter.  Wuss.)  Naturally, this supernaturally strong, fast, smart, century-old dreamboat becomes obsessed with the awkward Mary Sue character, and can't leave her alone.  Edward flies into her bedroom and spies on her while she's sleeping (which is supposed to be romantic, but comes across as creepy).  He interrogates her about her taste in music, like a Quizilla meme - "I must know everything about you!" - even though real 17 year old boys couldn't care less.  Let's face it, we gals are the ones who obsess over the inner life of our early male crushes, not the other way around.  (Ever notice how teen magazines aimed at girls devote endless ink to the favorite foods, books, and colors of this month's heartthrob, whereas Sports Illustrated provides minimal information on its swimsuit models, because to the average Joe ogling the photographs, who cares?  Ah, would that it were otherwise...)

In the book, Edward is condescending and overbearing, constantly rescuing and protecting Bella, who is passive and has no personality of her own.  At least they improved on that for the movie, and gave Bella a little bit of spunk.  But I still would have preferred more three-dimensional characters.  Edward just seems too perfect to actually be a threat to Bella, and the force that keeps them apart is mostly internal, not external.  The stakes aren't high enough.  For truly tragic, star-crossed romance, I'll take Romeo & Juliet, Wuthering Heights, or Tristan & Isolde any day of the week.

So now I've watched Van Helsing, I've watched Twilight, I've watched the Count on Sesame Street, and I still don't understand vampires.  It's like being color-blind.

I also don't understand chaps (shouldn't they protect the inside of the cowboy's leg?) but that's a topic for another post.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 4:45 PM EDT
Updated: May 31, 2009 7:19 PM EDT
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May 23, 2009
Emily Post's Guide To Knocking Over Banks
Mood:  lazy

With Public Enemies on the immediate horizon, I think it would be appropriate to review a few etiquette tips for robbing banks.  Attention to detail always greases the social gears and makes things go a little more smoothly.

#1:  Don't stuff money spiked with exploding red dye down the front of your pants.  It's hard to be inconspicuous with your crotch on fire.

#2: Don't write your demands on the back of a pay stub that has your name and address printed on it.

#3: A ski lift is not the smartest choice for a getaway vehicle.  Ditto a bus.  Ask yourself: What would Jesus drive, if Jesus robbed a bank and needed a fast getaway car?  (If he were a little bit gay, he'd have a Mazda Miata, or one of those modern Volkswagen bugs with the big flower decals).

Corollary to #3:  Don't photograph yourself with the loot afterwards.

#4: Don't wear a fake robot suit that weighs 300 pounds, unless you're trying to incapacitate the security guards with laughter.

#5: The following do not make good holdup weapons: bananas, zucchinis, breadsticks, beer bottles, wooden table legs, fake hand grenades, live chickens inside paper bags.  In fact, rather than burst in to the lobby yelling and waving a bunch of Tommy guns and upsetting the tellers, why not just hack into the ATM?

#6: Speaking of ATMs, does anyone else's ATM make a noise like the Woody Woodpecker laugh when it's dispensing cash?  I swear, the little gears go "whirr....bzzt....ha ha ha HA ha" as it spits out the receipt saying there's eight dollars left in the account.


Saw the new "Star Trek" movie last week (Mr. DC's idea...I can't tell a phaser from a warp drive, and as far as I'm concerned, Klingons are what I find stuck to the cat's "starboard bow" after a careless litterbox session).  I didn't even recognize Eric Bana as the captain of the evil spaceship, he was so made-up and tattooed.  But Eomer made a pretty good Dr. McCoy.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 11:08 PM EDT
Updated: May 24, 2009 12:31 AM EDT
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May 10, 2009
Hail Jerry, full of grace
Mood:  mischievious

Well, it's a bit of a relief to have Jerry Springer behind us.  Not that I worried anything would happen to David, but anytime you get a controversial piece that stirs up protesters, there's invariably a few unpredictable wackos.  Jerry Springer: The Opera was playing last week in Boston at the BCA.  The producers were inundated with emails from out-of-state Christian organizations, and a group called America Needs Fatima staged a public vigil to pray for the souls of the people attending the performance.  There were also the usual condemning letters to the editor, calling the show "vulgar", "filth", "obscene" and "trash".  I wanted to go, but it was a Friday night, which is an interstate travel night for me.  So I didn't get to see the tapdancing Ku Klux Klansmen and slightly gay Jesus.  Oh well.  Missing the show means my soul remains, for the moment, untarnished, lily-white, and suffused with April fresh scent.*

*The secret is fabric softener.

Of all the criticisms levelled at the show, "blasphemy" seems like the weirdest and most medieval.  Blasphemy implies that there are certain things that are beyond question.  God is great, you're a sinner, end of story.  Keep your mouth shut and don't rock the boat.  It's only a small step from there to placing the humans who interpret God beyond question, and from there an even smaller step to cults, simony, inquisitions, crusades, televangelists, pedophilia, and Dick Cheney.  This stuff needs to be questioned.  Is the framework of the church so fragile that it can't be rattled, shaken, tested?  Maybe we need fewer martyrs and more Laughing Buddhas.

I can sort of sympathize with Christian groups feeling insulted, outraged, and discriminated against.  But also sort of not.  There's a big difference between mocking the hegemony, and mocking powerless minority groups.  BIG difference.  It's not like Springer's goal is to make fun of bedrock Christian beliefs (don't kill, love your neighbor as yourself, etc.).  Rather, it makes fun of received dogma: the assumption that Jesus is white, heterosexual, and WASPy, that God is an angry, all-powerful, smiting man on a throne, and so forth.   That's the crusty stuff that needs to be cleared away in order to get at real religious truths.

If you look at the cast of characters Jesus hung out with, they look an awful lot like the type of guests Jerry Springer might have on his show.  There's Matthew the crooked tax collector, Simon the zealous hitman, the naked woman guilty of fornication, plus assorted lepers, madmen, thieves, and prostitutes.  All of society's outcasts flocked around Jesus, and he never shrank or flinched from them.  He taught that everyone is equal in the eyes of God, that all lives are holy.  Surface perfection doesn't matter when it comes to salvation (I suppose one could argue that Jerry Springer was offering a form of redemption to his guests, too).  But form is exactly what the religious protestors are getting hung up on.  The image of Jesus in a diaper bothers them, because they can't revere and worship a savior who isn't Perfect In Every Way.  But who's to say Jesus wasn't just as much of an outcast as the followers he attracted?

So like I said, it's a relief to move on to Pope Joan.  Which won't attract any religious protestors at all.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 3:10 PM EDT
Updated: May 10, 2009 4:57 PM EDT
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May 8, 2009
Eternal Sunshine of the Crosswired Mind
Mood:  smelly

I don't have any set topic for this post, so let's just amble off and see where we end up.

First of all, many apologies for the long gaps in updating DC and this blog.  I've been living away from home for the past 3 months.  My job contract got extended through October, so there's likely to be more nomadic living-out-of-a-suitcase and being-torn-in-two (a la Sam at the end of "Return of the King") until somebody, somewhere, decides to make a permanent decision.  In this economy, I'm so grateful to be employed, but the commuting and separation has been hard.

A friend of a friend has agreed to let me stay in their house while they're up at Squam Lake for the summer.  It's a fascinating house, Arts and Crafts style, built in the 1920s right on the edge of the Wellesley campus, and about a 30 minute commute from el workplace nuevo.  It was built by a college professor for his wife, who was into the theater.  The living room actually has a varnished wood stage, overhead spotlights, and a frame for a curtain, where they used to put on student Shakespeare performances.  To the left and right, stairs lead up to an open balcony all around.  You can see where this is going...I'm already fantasizing about getting a group of friends and fundamentalist protestors together and staging a mini version of Jerry Springer: The Opera.  This is my House...Sitting...Moment!!

After touring the house, I had a dream later that night that I was in a modern production of Macbeth, where the rival gang leaders spoke in hip-hop slang: 

"Yo, is this a Glock I see before me?"


"Bring it, MacDuff!"

There was also something about low-slung tartan, and the Three Ho's stirring Vial of Crack and Forty of Malt into their cauldron.  I don't really remember, because I woke myself up laughing.

The subconscious is really a fascinating place, isn't it?  There's an illuminating article in this week's New Yorker about various neurological syndromes.  It touches briefly on synesthesia, a cross-wiring of the senses, which is a condition I've had all my life.  I always thought it was perfectly normal to see numbers, letters, and days of the week in color.  (But dag, those people who can smell symphonies and taste velvet are weird).  For example, Sunday is yellow.  I don't mean that when I visualize the word "Sunday", the letters look yellow; I mean the whole concept of Sunday literally is yellow for me.  Whatever area of the brain gets lit up by looking at yellow, also gets lit up by thinking about Sunday.  Similarly, Monday is blue. Tuesday is red. Wednesday is dark brown.  Thursday is a sort of milky light brown.  Friday is green.  Saturday is black.

It's noteworthy that these sensory associations are all with primitive earthy colors; I never see letters or numbers as purple, pink, or teal, for example.  I suppose if I had learned my ABC's later in life, letters would be linked to fancier Land's End catalogue colors, like "Navajo Pony" and "Carolina Plum".  As it is, my mental map of the alphabet takes its palette from the Partridge Family bus.

The theory behind synesthesia is that it's genetic, a failure to prune the neurons connecting the corpus callosum with the something-something hyumpty-tump lobe (help me out here, psych majors).  So that connections that fade away in most babies by the time they're 2, remain active in synesthetes.  It runs strongly in families, and it also correlates strongly with poets and artists, and with a tendency for metaphor (since the unpruned neurons allow the brain to make more facile connections between disparate objects. Thus, Gangsta Macbeth).  I know many of you fellow David fans love to write, either as a vocation or hobby, and I'd love to hear if any of you have the same condition.

Australia, by the way, is red.  Married Life is blue.  They just are.

Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 11:48 PM EDT
Updated: May 10, 2009 4:48 PM EDT
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April 18, 2009
Nolite te bastardes carborundum
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Flock of Doug

It's springtime at last.  The sun is shining, birds are tweeting, flowers are blooming, and George F. Will is angry at pants.

In particular, he takes issue with the wearing of blue jeans by adults.  To George Will, for whom everything started going to hell around 1920, it's a symptom of the decline of Western civilization.

Here's the gist of his complaint:

Denim is the infantile uniform of a nation in which entertainment frequently features childlike adults ("Seinfeld," "Two and a Half Men") and cartoons for adults ("King of the Hill"). Seventy-five percent of American "gamers" -- people who play video games -- are older than 18 and nevertheless are allowed to vote. In their undifferentiated dress, children and their childish parents become undifferentiated audiences for juvenilized movies (the six -- so far -- "Batman" adventures and "Indiana Jones and the Credit-Default Swaps," coming soon to a cineplex near you).

He goes on to proclaim:

For men, sartorial good taste can be reduced to one rule: If Fred Astaire would not have worn it, don't wear it. For women, substitute Grace Kelly.

Why, my dear chap, if you're going to motor down to Hyde Park in the Dusenberg to hiss at Roosevelt, nothing less than a top hat and spats will do.

Now, blue jeans strike me as a petty thing to be kvetching about, given the horrendous state of the economy, the war, the environment, global warming, etc.  (I suppose if you have a stick up your you-know-what, denim does tend to chafe a little.)   Fashions change continually to reflect society's needs, so Will's diatribe is nothing new.  I'd be willing to bet that back in the '40s, old-timers were scoffing at fedoras and lamenting the decline of the stovepipe hat and whalebone corset.  And before that, people were bemoaning the disappearance of powdered wigs and knee breeches.  These kids today...going out in public with NO BEAUTY MARKS! 

I'm willing to concede that men and women look far more dashing in evening dress, and that fashion was a tad more elegant back in the day.  But it certainly wasn't practical.  You see old photos of men in woolen suits, ties and hats at baseball games and movies and on airplanes.  They look sweaty and miserable.  Women had to squeeze themselves into girdles and corsets and stockings and slips, enduring the poking of multiple struts, stays, and hooks.  Physically and socially, it was a much more repressed, button-down world.

Blue jeans remain popular because they've gone through the Darwinian fashion selection process: Survival of What Fits.  They're comfortable, they're flattering to the derriere, they're easy to wash, and fuss-free. They're more versatile for a 21st century population whose lifestyle includes baby spit-up, jumping dogs with muddy paws, leaf raking, dusting, gardening, vacuuming, pumping gas, hauling groceries, internet surfing, fetching Frisbees off the roof, and playing Pirate Ship with the kids in the backyard. (Try doing all that in pearls and a poodle skirt.) Bowties and tweeds may work well for light newspaper punditry, but what does George Will wear when it's time to paint bookcases and clean the gutters?  Or is that for the servants to worry about?

Not only that, I must disagree that jeans can't be elegant or fashionable.  Is there anyone who doubts that if Grace Kelly were alive today, she'd be rocking a pair of skinny dark $600 jeans, a silk top, and a pair of sky-high heels?  (And didn't Fred Astaire wear jeans during the "Texas Millionaire" number of Daddy Long Legs?)

And what about this dude?  Is he not the epitome of modern urban hipster wenham-denim cool?

And don't tell me that men don't wear hats anymore...

And look! THIS pair of jeans just oozes refinement and taste.


Or not.  Maybe George F. Will does have a point after all.

Yesterday morning in the shower, which is where my stupidest ideas take wing, I thought: wouldn't it be great to have a delicatessen with sandwiches named after David characters?  Like those lunch places in New York and L.A. where you can order an "Al Pacino" or a "Steve McQueen", and there's signed photos all over the wall.  Usually the sandwich has some vague symbolic connection to its namesake.

Sample sandwich menu:

"The Dilios" - 5 pounds of meat on a white bulky roll (fiber is for wusses), slathered with horseradish sauce, jalapenos, and Scotch Bonnet peppers, and sprayed with Mace.  Think you can stand the heat, ya noodle-necked Athenian girly-man?

"The Ethan" - Pastrami on marble rye.  You're not hungry?  Take.  Eat.

No?  Then I'll eat it for you.

Oh, you want it after all?  Here.  It was never mine in the first place.

"The John O'Brien" - Philander-adelphia steak 'n' cheese sub.

"The Faramir" - Lightly grilled hero.

"The Neil Fletcher" - We go into the restaurant next door and steal beef out of other customer's sandwiches.  Then we top it with a little ham and plenty of cheese, and serve with Moxie.

"The Carl" - A side dish of curly fries, cooked in our deep friar, then garnished with garlic and holy water.

"The Eden Fletcher" - Jerk chicken, flogged with barbecue sauce.

"The Luke" - Free range bison peppered with buckshot, Swiss cheese, and 1/4 pound of oozing ketchup.  Served with a side of hot tomato.

"The Josh" - Root vegetables mounted suggestively atop a rumpled bed of lettuce.  Served with tea brewed in our coffee maker.

"The Brand New Day Guy"  We toss your sandwich out the window.  Because we quit!  Screw this job.


Posted by dessicatedcoconut at 6:05 PM EDT
Updated: April 18, 2009 9:07 PM EDT
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