Your hand deftly circles,
Then hovers and taps.
I let down my Isengard,
And walk into your trap.
You attack from my Mordor,
And enter my Rohan gap.
Oh, how I love it
When you look at my map.
S is for Stewards who look after Gondor W is for Wenham and Warrior and Wander O is for Oil,
glistening and sleek O is for Osgiliath (though its defenses are weak) O is for Orcses, who cut off our heads O
is for Orlando (sorry...wrong thread!) O is One Ring that whispers "Who's your Daddy?" O to be held by a red-haired
Oz laddie O is for Orphaned, at the end of the movie N is for Noble and gentle and groovy
Give us our Wenham, In leather or denim. In drag or on fire, Or conducting leprous choirs.
Give us our Davey And we'll promise to behave-y.
Hairses are red,
Eyeses are blue,
Our sighssses are as numerous As the orcs that he slew.
Poor Madril! You were stabbed with a fork
And told that "now comes the time of the Orc",
But it was all a filthy lie,
For now comes the Time of the Cutie-Pie.
There was a young Steward of Hurin,
Who was comatose and needed some curin',
I rode to the Healing Houth And delivered mouth-to-mouth
Until his vital signs began a-stirrin'.
Untitled Ode by anuhealani
O! Faramir with eyes so grey (or blue. "So what?" does PJ say) Soft raven hair--or red to some--
I won't deny makes my heart thrum I "guh" for you, quiver to laces Your poet's heart, fairest of faces (Say,
would your bow mind changing places?)
Big Bro himself is quite the looker But you're so cute e'en on Dad's cooker
Who wants one so lustful for Rings When you're so sweet an oil-drenched thing? I must confess your hidden Pool
Sparks in me thoughts that make me drool (*So juicy nice and cool...*)
Be Window east or Window
West-- I like your bedroom window best Tho' city's great, o beauteous height! It's too so starkly cold and white
Ithilien's e'er green and lush And there you rule, calls from the brush (Go on, command. I'm naught but mush.)
So won't you please just boot the blonde? (She truly does resemble Grond) Say you'll forsake the West Emnet--
Give half a chance to this brunette!
Tirith: the seven-levelled city with no elevators.
Cookout at Denny's!
Let's throw another Steward
onto the barbie.
Savory leather jerkin...and yet, there are no cows in Middle Earth.
the rock prow of Minas Tirith, Denethor practices tee shots.
Limp, limp, floppy, limp,
oily, floppy, limp,
limp, limp, and oily.
Faramir! I could drool all day, but I only have seventeen syll
Limericks by lhaewin
Josh is a young bloke from Down Under, Love hits him with flash and
with thunder. Well hidden under a cushion He wears next to nothing Why the bride gown didnīt burst I still wonder.
A man who was longing for money and gold, Fought in a war and his blood was
quite cold. He was shot by his brother And could not save a mother. At last he turned out to be bold.
Limerick by POI
There was a young man called Wenham Who looked pretty darn fine in denim When thinking of Dust
Girls thoughts turned to lust And his clothes it was felt, he should bin'em
Poetry Dedicated To Other David Characters
Strong winds raise the dust. A melancholy cowboy meets death -
unafraid. [redqueen]
Hey! That's a good poem! How did it get in here?
Rub-a-dub dub Ian in the tub with Louise. . . .
Splishy-splashy bubble-bathy thawing
the freeze. [meaningofhaste]
Two girls looked at Luke. One immediately reckoned: "Heads I go first, tails I go second."
they got into a huge catfight.
What? It's an avant-garde rhyme scheme.
violets are blue and roses are red I'd like to have Josh lying in my
incredibly inventive mind, hair askew and ears alert Carl the friar makes hearts melt with
his impeccable sartorial flavour make us fangirls dr00l and slaver
J is for Jockey shorts, casually discarded, O is for Offering bad
coffee before you get started. S is for Sheets which get rumpled and wrinkled, H is for (not) Hitting
the target when you go tinkle.
in UN beret blue his angry eyes spark dancing dorky too we jsut love our Mark
of course) [she_wulff]
Diver Dan he's the man dishevelled or fully dressed he's the man I like best [she_wulff]
By gum and by gosh, Today I shall wash And thoroughly splosh That filthy boy, Josh. [make_it_stop]
Bondage! 'Tis a lovesome thing, To see a nerd all trussed with string. So on this fine satanic morn, I
vote for Richard Shorkinghorn. [make_it_stop]
Oh this is exciting! My sheets, towels, and napkins are covered with writing!
The walls and the
pillows are also defiled, Along with the rugs and the white bathroom tile.
EEK! The drapes and the sofa with black
ink are spoiled! "Were you attacked by a toddler?" -- "Nay! 'twas Jim Doyle!" [make_it_stop]