Jar-Jaromir, Faramir and Boromir's long-lost half-brother.
The Rehab Clinic. Worried that your Wenham addiction might be getting out of hand? Check into one of our medically supervised treatment
Find Your Faramir by rohandove. Quiet!Faramir, Eowyn!Faramir, Naughty!Faramir....there's one for everybody.
The "Gondorsal Fin". Ever wonder what Faramir's hair looked like after wearing that pointy, Hershey's Kiss-shaped helmet all day?
Lady Wenham (formerly of TORC) provides the answer here.
The Osgiliath Dictionary A not-so-serious glossary of Tolkien book/movie terms. Are you an Arwenham? Is your husband a Faramirage?
Why is your neck all covered with Riddermarks?
"Lord of the Swoons", a parody written by posters on the Tolkien Online message board (TORC). A fellowship
of Faramir fans struggle to combat the dark power of Sean Bean, who has seduced one of their own. Along the way they
are plagued by the keening shrieks of Legolas groupies who wantt 2 hav 0rliz babeeeeez!!!!!11111
Action Figures It all started with a little girl's letter to Santa....
Gondor Needs No Pants A field guide to jungle fauna. Mature audiences only. (Ed. note: The word "mature" should be
qualified by giant, ironic finger-quotes.)

The Dom-Land Caribou Tolkien and ice hockey: together at last. Quite possibly one of the strangest websites ever.
In March 2004, Captain Faramir led the Ithilien Rangers to a 2-0 shutout over the 'Bou, scoring both goals on a power
play. Boromir, the burly center for the Caribous, was "unusually subdued" after the game. Read the game summary here
In 2004, the captain of the Ithilien Rangers was voted onto the very first all-star MEHA team, and honored with
his own trading card.
Fazneyland, "The Hunkiest Place On Earth". PrincessFaz's vision of a brand-new Epcot Center realm.
Extra! Extra! Faramir appears on a cinnamon bun in Hibbing, Minnesota! Make_it_stop reports on The Farabun Story
Character Chart plotting the position of each of David's movie characters in a two-dimensional moral universe. This is one of
the most gratifyingly absurd things I've ever seen.
r0tfL sa1d d3n3th0R as h3 l1t teh pyr3. 1 am teh best dad evah! w00t w00t! g0nd0RR pwns!!!1 m0rd0r
The Simpsons David and Faramir get the Matt Groening/ make_it_stop treatment. Ay caramba!
Ricolaaaaa! I don't know who did this, but it makes me laugh. Alpenhorn sound effects not included.

Cinderella? Nope...it's Gingerfella! A Tolkienish play in four parts, brought to you by those crazy gals at TORC.
A long time ago, in an eored far, far away: FaraWars, the LOTR/Star Wars/Moulin Rouge/Whatever Crossover Page. (On second thought, don't go there...'tis a silly place.)
What's your sign? Venus is in the seventh house of Diver Dan, and Murray Whelan is rising....come check out your
Dessicated Coconut Daily Horoscope!
David's Alter Egos: If David Wenham were a pirate, or a hobbit, or a Rastafarian (or a Rastafarian hobbit pirate), what would his
name be? Find out here.
As part of Dessicated Coconut's worldwide "Cubicle and Home Office Beautification Initiative", we offer this
set of full-color, limited-edition Motivational Posters inspired by David movies.
Puzzles are supposed to keep your mind sharp, but somehow, these David-themed jigsaw puzzles have the opposite effect.
As a public service, we at DC have created this free Emergency Notice to safeguard your loved
ones. Print, clip, and display in your front door or window:
You've played Monopoly...but have you played Wenopoly?