It all started with this picture:

Meet Oolong, the Pancake Rabbit. Oolong, who lived in Hokkaido, had an unusual talent for balancing baked
goods on his head. His owner, an eccentric Japanese man, created a website for Oolong, featuring many photos of the cute lil' guy doing his thing. (Sadly, Oolong passed away earlier this year, but
his memory lives on). For a week or two, Oolong was featured in my sig line at TORC, where he lived happily,
making friends and keeping his pancakes aloft.
SueB, of the TORC Faramir forum, fell in love with Oolong and conceived a brilliant thunderclap of an idea.
If a rabbit could wear a pancake, why not Faramir? Why should bunnies have all the fun?
And so it was that Nov. 29th, 2004 was declared "Faramir Pancake Head Week". To commemorate the first
annual observance, the resident Fazgul agreed to devote their signature lines to photos of Faramir sporting hastily
photoshopped pancakes upon his scalp.
Below are the happy results.

"I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the
warrior for his glory.
I do, however, have a pancake on my head."

As much as Faramir hated to admit defeat,
there was nothing else he could do.
"Fall back! Fall back to the syrup!"

Carl the Fryer readies the Holy Syrup.
(Yeah, yeah, I know it's not Faramir. Look closer at the bottle.....)

Faramir knew Denethor had gone off the deep end when he told everyone to stop waffling and
to start using the dreaded "pancake defense".

let's see the pretty elf do this.....

"Please, sir, not the pancake dance again!"
"Do you question my authority, or shall I pass you the syrup?"

Before Frodo and the Ring, Boromir tried to take Faramir's breakfast!

shieldmaidenofrohan (SMOR)
As he rides out to almost-certain death, Faramir begins to question Denethor's decision to
switch to pancake helmets.

(photo: anuhealani)
Steel in eyes and ironhands; nothing makes Faramir as decisive as defending his pancakes.

"I do not believe this darkness will endure, as long as our pancakes are sunny side up."

Yep....I think it's done.
And finally, a not-quite-Pancake-Head entry from Galenmir, who admits that "they do things a little differently
in Rohan"...
