"The producers refer to viewers as bums in seats, but I call them fellow dreamers."
-- Paul Cox, director of Molokai
Looking for a David flick? Check out our movie and TV series reviews, below. To aid you in your decision,
we've rated the movies as follows:
Drool Factor indicates how many buckets you should keep handy.
Screentime rates the character's presence on screen as a proportion of the total movie.
The Nerdometer evaluates the character on a naughty/nice scale, from evil and psychotic to sweet and geeky. All black = "Bad Boy"
(Brett Sprague). All red = "Bring Home To Momma" (Richard Shorkinghorn). Also see the Character Chart.
Content symbols indicate special character quirks that may enhance or detract from your viewing
experience, depending on your preference:
Comic Lines |
Dirt |
Pouting |
Weapons |
Animals |
Barfing/Cookie Tossing |
Shirtlessness |
Foreign Language Spoken |
Wetness (bathtub / shower / pool / river / ocean scenes) |
Glasses |
Love Scene/Nookie |
Angst/TLC (character is wounded, beaten up, electrically shocked, feverish, or
otherwise in need of a hug) |
Smoking, drug use |
Davidity rates overall how likely the movie is to satisfy rabid fans.
Availability indicates whether the movie is easy to find outside Australia.
Character screencaps courtesy of Wenham Wonderland, Oh Sugar! and fileg. "Dust" image by sh_wulff.