Where to find help for your DDD (David-Deficit Disorder).
Web Sites: David
Daisy Daily Live Journal fan community updated daily with pics. New photos are often posted here with comments.
Wenhamania Russian-language web site, with a section in English
Oh Sugar! Fiverly's David site (in English and German).
Helpful Hint: Enter foreign-language URLs into the Altavista translator.
Discussion Boards
Fan Fiction
Faramir's Ranger Outfit
Screen Caps and Wallpaper
Fileg's Screen Caps Rare and hard-to-find caps from LOTR, Sea Change, After the Deluge, Burned Bridges (Heartland), Simone de Beauvoir's
Provocateuse site - in case, for some reason, you need pictures of David in character 1) barefoot 2) wearing glasses 3) wet
Other Stuff
The shooting script for "Dust", with deleted scenes and commentary by Milcho Manchevski. (Two words: meat washing.) If it doesn't download automatically,
go here, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click "Download Screenplay".
The Strange But True Story of spotting David on a train, as told by somebody named dr_nic. Included here because the commentary is fairly silly.
Reports from TORN on the "Evening with Peter Jackson" in Sydney (March 2005) include some funny moments from
the LOTR blooper reel.
Faramir's audition script, which reveals how the Houses of Healing, the encounter with Frodo and Sam, and the "Wizard's Pupil" scene were originally
written, before PJ came along with the snip-snip.
David did the voiceovers for the Wayside Chapel's new "Please Don't Judge" television campaign. You can view
the commercials on the Wayside Chapel Home Page.
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