December 2009
12/5 -
News updates for Oranges and Sunshine:
1. Watson, Wenham, and Weaving for Orphan Drama Katey Rich at Cinema Blend worries, based on Australia, that whenever orphans appear in
a movie, David is there to thwart them. She's afraid he might be playing another villainous douchecanoe in this upcoming movie.
Won't someone please think of the children?
2, Filming has wrapped in Notts, UK . Production is moving to South Australia through January 31.
Meanwhile, Guardians of Ga'hoole is still on track for a December 2010 release in Australia, with a superb cast including David. Here's a recent tweet:
lolarun89: watched rough cut of guardians of ga'hoole today. animation and art was superb! battle scenes was like watching
"300" but with owls....
Awesome! Prepare for pellets!
The Wayside Chapel is facing a funding crisis, as it seeks to rebuild its deteriorating facility, which is creating unsafe work conditions. David, a Wayside Ambassador, says
the Wayside Chapel provides a valuable service to the King's Cross community: "“There are many reasons why
a person might come to Wayside but there is usually one common theme that unites all cases; significant level of mental illness,
something that affects one in six Australians. God willing, most people will have a strong support network. For those that
don’t there’s The Wayside Chapel.”
Dubai is also having cashflow problems, but it's a little harder to feel sorry for them:

Lastly, here's David with Steven Jenner, the founder of IF Magazine, at the Inside Films 2009 nomination announcements.
(Thanks Nenya!)

November 2009
11/8 -
Some more Pope Joan premiere goodies:

(from Life magazine)

(from AP images)
Nenya found three interesting You Tube monologues by Lotte Flack, who played teenaged Joan. Lotte
talks about her experiences at the premiere, and her impressions of the actors. In the TeamPremiere video, she has some nice things to say about David. Warning: she drops the F-bomb with some frequency, so NSFW.
John Goodman & David Wenham Video of David being photographed, and signing autographs. Someday, someone should take a photograph of a
painting of a video of David being photographed. And then film it. That would be, like, really conceptual.
While you're watching, keep an eye out for the entrance of the actor Anatole Taubman at about 1:45.
You can't miss him.
Coverage of Die Papestin premiere at TV Media Online. With short interview! of David! video feature about the film and the premiere.
11/1 -
On behalf of Dessicated Coconut Worldwide Amalgamated Light Industries, I'd like to extend our sincere apologies for
the almost month-long hiatus in updates. We experienced severe disruptions to our supply chain, even while crates of
news items and photos were piling up at the docks. Well, you know how October is.
To recap what's been happening:
David Wenham Digs The Guardian Lifestyle On Oct. 12, David was on hand at the Pavilion Cafe in Sydney for a promotional event to announce this year's IF Award
nominees. Jeremy Sims, Jessica Marais, Ryan Kwanten, and Eddie Perfect were also in attendance. David will be
hosting at the IF Awards in Luna Park on November 18. Here are some photos from the event:

The article also confirms that he'll be voicing "fluffy owl Digger" in the upcoming Guardians of Ga'hoole film:

Cute lil' fella, ain't he?
On October 19, Pope Joan premiered in Berlin. Within 48 hours there were approximately 93 zillion vrillion
blomillion googleplex photos available on the news wires. If laid end to end, they would stretch from here to the Oort
Cloud. (Actually, they wouldn't, because they're made of pixels, but you know what I mean.) You can find them
here, and here, and here and here and here. And here. Also here, here, here, here, and here.
Or you can just go to Daisy Daily to enjoy hi-res, unwatermarked versions. Here is but a paltry sampling of what's available:

CURSE you, stone-throwing papal-procession ruffians!

This last one, my very favorite, was taken more or less accidentally by missdaisy at the red carpet event.
It succeeds in capturing an aspect of David that normally gets overlooked:

The film was well-received by audiences, and David's performance was praised by the critics, as near as I can tell from
the German reviews. Here's an English language review: New film tells story of medieval feminism with female pope legend
Three more behind-the-scenes interviews with David at kinofilm (scroll all the way down)
Promotional video footage of the premiere and press conference

Chance To Appear In Hollywood Film (as I discovered belatedly, this is not about an actor named's a casting call) has
more information about Oranges and Sunshine. Filming starts in Nottingham next month, then continues in Australia
in January.
Speaking of Oranges and Sunshine, actress Alicia Hovell writes on her blog: "I also have managed to sneak in last week an audition for a small role in the upcoming feature “Oranges and Sunshine”
with Emily Watson, Hugo Weaving and David Wenham, shooting in Adelaide in 2010. It is a very well written script, and I cried
my way through a majority of it – need I say anymore?"
Cure Our Kids With Unbridled Fun This Melbourne Cup Day David, a Cure Our Kids ambassador, says of this charity event: "As good as or even better than being in the birdcage
in Flemington for the Melbourne cup this year, would be to soak up the atmosphere in the stables at Randwick. I have had the
privilege of attending previous functions for Cure Our Kids and I now place them in my not to be missed list. Cure our Kids
offers extraordinary help and support for kids with cancer. The positive effect Cure Our Kids has on the kids and their families
is remarkable!”
October 2009
10/6 - More photos and write-ups from the first annual "Lewo-fest":

David with Samuel Muir (grade 10), winner of the David Wenham Award for Film

David Wenham Goes Back To School Article in the Catholic Weekly
Christian Brothers Highlights Brief write-up and list of award winners

Another side of David and Kate at Mao's Last Dancer
Hollywood Flick To Tell Story Of Notts Social Worker Oranges and Sunshine skooches a little closer to reality on the Great Cosmic Sofa.
Celebne found a Pope Joan website which contains:
1) a 15-minute trailer of scenes from the movie. Hypothetically speaking (because we'd hate to spoil anything for anybody), it's possible that one
scene theoretically might look something like this:

...and, speculatively,

(police composite sketch)
2) You can also enjoy behind-the-scenes footage (swordfighting practice)
3) and interview footage (David is interview #2)

(thank you Celebne, Minkey, Miwa, Gonerill, Neil)
September 2009
9/27 -
Wenham Award Goes To Creative And Quirky Remember that photo of
David visiting his old school from about a week ago? It looked kind of like this?

Well, here's the rest of the story from the Inner West Courier:
MARRICKVILLE-BORN actor David Wenham went back to school for the first time in 26 years last
Christian Brothers Lewisham, the actor’s old school, invited him to present the David
Wenham Award for the best short film by a student.
The competition was one of four in the school’s inaugural Lewofest. Other prizes were
for the best short story, best public speaker and best portrait.
Teacher Cathy Angeloni said Wenham inspired the students.
“He told them to take advantage of what the school offered and to follow their dreams
and their passions,” Ms Angeloni said.
During a tour of the school, Mr Wenham remarked on how much the school had changed, particularly
in terms of buildings and resources.
Year 10 student Samuel Muir won the David Wenham Award for his short film Life of Brady.
Like Tropfest, entries had to include a signature item, in this case a T-Shirt. Samuel’s
film starred a T-Shirt battling to overcome its addiction to stain removing product NapiSan.
“It was very creative and quirky,” Ms Angeloni said. “We had a huge reaction
and participation from the school in all the categories. There was a lot of enthusiasm.”
Another press clipping (is clipping the right word? It's so hard to cut things out from the internet) from
the opening of Mao's Last Dancer:

(thanks Minkey!)
Celebne and missdaisy found a German press publication about Pope Joan. missdaisy translates
the relevant bits:
In addition Wenham had been Donna Cross’ favourite cast for Gerold. “And
we didn’t have a hard time to agree upon that…,” Mozkowics says.
“With somebody like David
Wenham,” Wortmann adds, laughing. “It had been quite a bit frustrating because he’s doing everything allright
immediately….For me as a director it’s a lot more tempting if an actor starts at 50 per cent and I can get him
onto 100 per cent.”
Apart from Wenham’s professionalism Wortman had been impressed by his country specific
“Austalian people seem to be a lot more relaxed in general,” Wortmann says.
9/23 -
Eerie images of Sydney during yesterday's epic dust storm, which blanketed eastern Australia for several hours:

Eyewitnesses report that it was like the Rapture, with red talcum powder.
(see the rest of the Flickr gallery here)
Speaking of end times, the U.S. release of Pope Joan will be in English, not German with subtitles
as seen in the officially released trailer.
Quote of the Week
-- beatricks, on Twitter
9/22 -
Pope Joan fans! Your help is urgently needed this week.
Over the next several days, U.S. distributors will be making decisions about how widely they want to release the film. They'll
be checking out the internet to assess the level of buzz, interest, and excitement among moviegoers. Please,
make your voices heard so that they KNOW there are many of us out here ready, waiting, and anxious to
see Pope Joan. Some good places to post comments and talk up the movie: Facebook, Twitter, IMDB, and
the guestbook section at Donna Cross's website (
Do it for the puppy.

Otherwise, you'll have to drive 3 hours to see it in a musty, dilapidated arthouse theater with gum-dappled
seats, and flakes of asbestos detaching from the ceiling and wafting down into your box of Milk Duds, and a
man next to you carrying on a whispered cell-phone argument with his wife. These are not ideal Gerold viewing conditions.
Pope Joan deserves as wide a release as possible. Every little bit helps, and your
comments will make a difference.
With The Little Red Carpet - Sydney Morning Herald,
After receiving a standing ovation at the world premiere of Mao's Last Dancer at
the Toronto Film Festival last week, cast and crew of the Bruce Beresford bio-pic have returned to Sydney for the Australian
premiere at the State Theatre tonight. Among the guests will be the star of the film, Chi Cao, and Li Cunxin, the dancer-turned-author
on whose best-selling memoir the film is based. Chi, a dancer with the Birmingham Royal Ballet, plays Li in the film and has
a similiar background, having trained at the Beijing Dance Academy before moving overseas. Beresford - who is in London -
will be a notable absence from the red carpet that will instead feature the director George Miller and actors including Jack
Thompson, Barry Otto, David Wenham, Michael Caton, Robyn Nevin, Tom Burlinson and Brendan Cowell. The premiere
is also a fund-raising effort, with ticket sales directed to an Australian Ballet fund that helps dancers retrain for new
careers once they have left the stage.
David and Kate at the premiere. Kate's dress is gorgeous (and so is Kate!)

And now, some incredibly rare and never-before-seen ----

Yo! This a pretty good update, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish,
but Beyoncé would have been the best
Pope Joan of all time. OF ALL TIME!
9/21 -
It's David's birthday today!
Welcome, come on in, grab a hat and noisemaker. Today's celebration is being catered by Cake Wrecks, a hilarious blog devoted to unusual cakes. Their selection
is somewhat..shall we when it comes to paying tribute to David's career, but I finally narrowed it down
to these four choices:
1) Slice of Seachange-themed fish tank cake, anyone? (Dibs on the air filter...)

2) Or perhaps something simpler? A hastily airbrushed tribute to Australia?

3) Dead Spartan guy lying on a bed of mustard?

4) I know! You've been holding out for Wall-E and a hover tank re-enacting the Tiananmen Square
protests at night amidst a field of caribou droppings, right? (Well, the cake does say "David"
on it...and uh... and I'm sure someday he'll be involved in a film containing these very same elements. You
read it here first!)

In all seriousness, here's wishing David a wonderful day. He's brought countless smiles to the
faces of audiences around the world, donated so much time and effort to worthy causes, and gets better and
better with each passing year. Cheers to the adventures that lie ahead!
While you're busily stashing your cake underneath the sofa cushions, let's open some presents.
Bellis has kindly scanned and shared larger versions of the "Blondie" photos from the Oct. '09 Empire

From yesterday's Telegraph (thanks Minkey):

9/12 -
Site news: Tripod's dreaded "Convert Or Die" page migration deadline arrived a few days ago. After
making a test conversion, and discovering that Webon stripped out all the HTML and photos, wrecked the navigation, changed the
fonts to 6-point Verdana Extra Ugly, and left all the toilet seats up, it was clear I had to go with alternative #2: Bite
the bullet, and upgrade to a paid account. Moral of the story: Not so happily ever after. But at least now they've
taken the big rusty padlock off of DC, and we can update again.
Account woes aside, let's celebrate our newly ad-free status by putting on a bathing suit and doing the backstroke
through a big pile of new Pope Joan pictures (originally posted at Daisy Daily):

Speaking of Pope Joan, Donna Cross was gracious enough to call our book club last night and answer our questions
about the book, the research, the characters, and the film. She's a wonderful lady, very lively and informed, and
fascinating to talk to. And her thoughts on David-as-Gerold? Read more in today's Grove post...
Oo-wee-oo-wee oooo.....wah, wah, wah.... In the October 09 issue of Aussie
Empire, there's an 11-page "Cinema Greats" feature in which actors pay tribute to the films and characters that have
inspired them. David poses as Blondie from The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. This photo wins the

On Wikipedia, someone has posted the information that David is voicing the character of Digger for Guardians of Ga'Hoole.
(Digger, one of the four Guardians, is the smart one). For now, we should probably treat this as an unsubstantiated rumor
in the same vein as the Great Arthas Speculation of Aught-Nine.
Screen Australia has approved funding for Oranges and Sunshine, moving the film one step closer to reality. Says the Sydney Morning
Herald: "...already names including British actress Emily Watson have been tipped for
the lead role with Australian actors Hugo Weaving and David Wenham among the rumoured co-stars". (By the
way - I may be misunderstanding the Aussie slang here - what is an appropriate amount to tip an actor for
the lead role? 15%? 20%? Is it OK to stiff, say, the entire cast of Baseketball?)
David's portrait is among several celebrity shots featured in the "Focus on Footy" exhibit in Melbourne, which is timed
to coincide with the Grand Final. Quoth the Sydney Morning Herald of August 22:
Music guru Ian ``Molly'' Meldrum, actor David Wenham and Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard
join Nathan Buckley, Leigh Matthews, Kevin Sheedy and Premier John Brumby who will have their portraits -- with a special
emphasis on footy -- on show.
Carlton's Brendan Fevola is stripped to his undershorts, former Bomber James Hird has
donned red shirt and tie in front of The Shrine and a stern-looking street hero Ron Barassi wears a pair of boots around his
neck. The exhibition runs from September 4 to October 5.

I don't know about you, but I'm having a really hard time focusing on footy right now.
August 2009
8/21 - Celebrities Turn Out For Avenue Q David was on hand for the Sydney premiere of "Avenue Q".
More and more people are climbing aboard the Arthas Rumor Express. (Two, at last count.) Rumor, it most definitely seems. Truthful, it may not be. Talk like Yoda,
have we sudden urge to.
The Sydney Morning Herald has an interesting feature on Joel Edgerton, who also attended Theatre Nepean and was known at university as "the next David Wenham". (David, for his part, was
known as "the last Joel Edgerton".) Along with David, Joel is signed on to the elusive Last Man project.
Hopefully, we'll get to see them together at some point.
Neil Fletcher on Twitter Bet you didn't know your favorite beef-bogarting archvillain even had a Twitter account, did you?
Join us in the Grove for a special collection of Neil's snidest tweets. Bring disinfectant.
Also, did you know Neil Fletcher invented the corn dog? True story. (Different Neil Fletcher, but still.)
Update on Impending Tripod Migration Of Doom: Postponed to Sept 9. Thank you, Expeditus, Patron
Saint of Procrastinators, Computer Programmers, and E-Commerce! Who I'll get around to praying to sometime soon.
Real soon.
8/2 -
Party Like It's 999 (or, uh, 855....) Pope
Joan is still scheduled for release late this fall (Oct. 29th in Germany and Switzerland). It's not clear how wide
of a distribution it will get elsewhere; at the moment it looks like it may be limited to art-house release in the
U.S., but that may change. Also, a reminder: the Walk The Red Carpet contest is still open for one more week. According to Donna Woolfolk Cross, they haven't received a whole lot of entries
yet, so your chances are still good.
IMDB is listing David as "rumored" to play the part of Arthas in the upcoming Warcraft movie, though I can't find
any other reliable source to confirm this. So I wouldn't count this as real news just yet.
However, to assist you in failing to rein in your fevered imagination, here's an image of Arthas. He looks like Bad
News on a stick:

You know, the sort of Bad News that comes with a long wheaten mane and a penetrating blue gaze. Believe me,
we'll be keeping a close eye on that rumor.
There's been quite a bit of recent buzz among Outlander fans that David should play Jamie Fraser in the film version. (If you haven't read Diana Gabaldon's series about an accidentally time-travelling
nurse who falls in love with a tall red-haired Scotsman from the year 1743, do - it's wonderful, you'll enjoy it.) All
the 'net speculation may only be idle kilt dreams, but you have to admit it would be totally schwid* if David
went from Spartan to tartan.
*schwid (adj.) - rapturous, cool, awesome, totally plaid, a braw brilliant castin' decision, och
Let's close today's update with a little Daisy love from around the web:
Great David picspam at doihearawaltz's Live Journal
Ginger Crush: David Wenham
David Wenham - First Post at Dragon Wrangler. (Not to mention the Second and Third posts, which have nice things to say about David's acting.)
July 2009
7/10 -
A leaked video for Sony Ericsson's new "Rachel" phone, demonstrating the Android interface, features David prominently.
Now, before you get excited, it's not an official "ad" per se. I don't think David is actually heartily endorsing
this event and/or product (to borrow a catchphrase from Krusty the Klown). Especially when you take a closer look at
the fake chat and status updates featured in the video. Shall we deconstruct?
It all begins innocuously enough:

Okay, think. It's conceivable that David might pause in the middle of packing for
an important trip to tweet to his friends that he was packing for an important trip. Nothing too out of the ordinary
Then things get weird. Rapidly.
First there's this little exchange between David and Liv Tyler:

in which David suddenly turns out to be gay, and dating the bassist for R.E.M. I'm sure his partner, Kate, would be mightily interested to hear about that. (Come to think of it, Mike
Mills does have dreamy eyebrows. David's a lucky, lucky man.)
Next we find out he loves Virgin America's inflight safety movie......

...and speaks fluent dummy typesetting Latin.....

...and eats Hot Pockets (despite forgetting to pay his electric bill earlier...I guess they're being roasted
over a candle?)...

Finally, after pawning Liv Tyler's jewelry and callously celebrating with another round of Hot
Pockets, we find David cruising down the street in a Chevy Impala and palling around with Richard Branson, the CEO of
Virgin and patron saint of airline safety videos. Because that's how Daisy rolls, yo.

You know the Kubler-Ross stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance...)? Well, it turns out
there's four stages of watching this video:
1. Mild euphoria. "Hey! David's picture is on this phone!"
2. Bafflement. "Airline safety videos?...Hot pockets?....What the [firetruck]??"
3. Gales of inordinate laughter.
4. Burning curiosity: Who? What? How? Why???
7/3 - Behind the scenes snapshot from Pope Joan (discovered by Miwa at Arabesque's MySpace). I gotta say, the open-toed boots are intriguing.

Donna Woolfolk Cross, the author of Pope Joan, viewed an early cut of the movie and shared her thoughts:
David Wenham, voted "Sexiest Australian of 2007"*,
lives up to his reputation in the part of Gerold. When he asks Joan to come away with him, leaving all she has accomplished
and become, you really understand Joan's temptation! The end of the film is especially moving--it actually brought tears to
my eyes-- but I can't reveal it at the moment, for it's something of a surprise.
*By "Australian", of course, she means
"the entire universe", and by "2007" she means "of all time". Writers can be quite modest and understated sometimes.
Donna Cross is also holding
a red carpet contest for fans and first-time readers of the book. Enter and win a chance to attend the Pope Joan premiere
with Cross and her family.
Guardians of Ga'Hoole has a tentative release date: September 24, 2010. There will be no whining about how
farrr awayyyy that daaaate is, or else we're turning this website right around and going back home. Don't make me do
Did you know that Harry Pierpont was from Brazil? Brazil, Indiana, that is.
Check out this fascinating first-person account of shooting Public Enemies from actor John Kishline:
"David Wenham, the Aussie, is grabbing me and sticking a .45 in my nose as he spins me around
and shoves me up the aisle...We shoot that, or parts of it, 9 or 10 times during the next four hours, breaking to...fix buttons
ripped from my jacket by the wired Wenham...."
Is David more popular than spinach? Heck yes:
We all know of the success of one Mr. David Wenham, but does this saucy Aussie’s potency
prevail against Pop-eye’s favourite pantry pilfer?
The answer: YES! Though one tasty pastry made it into the upper echelons of google results,
Sir Wenham was victorious, returning with the top three images and his bride, Rainn Wilson. And although the spinach did have
two results, neither of the photos were as enticing as a single image of David Wenham, OM. He ate that spinach. He ate it
The Deadliest Warrior controversy Alright, gang. Let's
talk turkey. There's been a lot of internetty hubbub lately about David's possible connection to a Spike TV
show called Deadliest Warrior. For those not familiar with the format, the show poses questions like "Who would
win in a fight: a pirate or a ninja?" and "resolves" the debate by slicing through a side of beef
with a samurai sword, then soliciting expert medical opinions on the damage. (You know, if they want women
to watch, they should ask more realistic fantasy questions, like "Who would be more likely to help with the dishes
and not leave hair all over the bathtub: Mr. Darcy or Sir Galahad?")
So anyway, it's hotly rumored that David provided the narration for this show. The voice-over is done
in the same gristly, blood-and-guts-relishing voice as Dilios from 300. The credits list someone named
"Drew Skye", which is either a pseudonym, or the most uncanny dead-on David imitator that ever did uncanny dead-on David
imitations. You can judge for yourself by watching episodes at the Spike TV site. I happen to think it is David, for three reasons:
1) The voice sounds exactly like David. Same pitch, same intonation, same accent. I've heard many
a Dilios imitator, on YouTube and Meet the Spartans and in real life, and none of them come very close.
The best of them approximate, but never quite capture, Dilios's silty murderous glee. This one is so close
to the target, I think it actually is the target.
2) It's a little suspicious that Drew Skye has no Google or IMDB presence other than this show. He's never done
any acting or voice work before, apparently. Are we to believe that Deadliest Warrior Narrator is an entry-level
3) Geoffrey Thor Desmoulin, the resident biomedical expert on the show, more or less acknowledged that David recorded the narration back in Australia.
We'll never know for 100% sure. If it is David, he (or the producers) prefer to keep it on the down-low, for
whatever reason. A mystery it shall remain.
In the meantime, consider yourself a charter member of the Drew Skye Fan Club. As soon as I find pictures, I'll post
them here. *wink* Ow! There's something in my eye.
Quote of the Week
Hey, if I were David Wenham I’d just call people up and do that. “We Spartans
desire a pizza, rich in sauce and deep of crust. Showered in decadent sausage and mushrooms. Their honor rode upon a simple
pledge, much revered in Sparta: pizza within 30 minutes, else be cast out as a filthy, lowly wretch…”
-- The Spoony Experiment on Deadliest Warrior (read the rest of the review, it's hilarious)
June 2009
6/27 - Public Enemies premiered last week in Chicago, Wisconsin, and Los Angeles, attended by Johnny Depp, Christian
Bale, and Michael Mann. General release is Wednesday. Rex Reed liked it.
An interesting glimpse into Guardians of Ga'Hoole is revealed in this short interview with Zack Snyder at SciFiWire. We don't know yet which character David is voicing, but we have an inkling of which ones he isn't. Ryan
Kwanten revealed in a recent interview that he's voicing Kludd, and Jay Laga'aia's official CV at Mark Morrissey Associates lists him as Twilight. (We can also assume David's not voicing Gylfie, the young female
owl. Barring large quantities of helium, that is.)
Speaking of Zack Snyder projects, rumors continue apace regarding the 300 sequel. Zack Snyder and Frank Miller are starting to get serious about it.
Some of you may be new fans, visiting this page for the first time (welcome!). One of the most frequently asked
questions about David is "How tall is he, exactly?" Below is a handy comparison chart that you can use as
a guide.

6/6 -
B is for
Breakfast at the Roma Bar
Birthdays (DC turned 5 yesterday)
Btranslations of the German dialog from the "Pope Joan" trailer...
Gerold/Wenham: This is Rome Johanna. Here, they get rid of people they don't like. Voice: You're playing with fire
Johanna. Gerold: Every evening I will wait for you, right here. I don't want you as my lover. I want you as my wife. Johanna:
A life by your side would've pleased and fulfilled me. But this is my destiny.
Benefit gigs (from March's Sound Relief fundraiser in Sydney and Melbourne - thanks Miwa)

Blue-Eyed Boy (photo from the same session as the 2005 Sydney Morning Herald interview, by Lucas
Allen - thanks again, Miwa)

Bated Breath, as we wait for Public Enemies (Spelling pet peeve: that's bated breath,
not baited breath. Baited breath means you've recently eaten worms):

(from the July issue of Empire magazine...scans of the whole article are available here. Thanks Gonerill!)
Bestow: what tender, sentimental gift did David give the Jerry Springer chorus members?
Bygone days: remember this CFM news write-up of David's Q&A session at ORC 2007? I sure don't, but it's nice to (re) read. (thanks Nenya!)
May 2009
5/23 - Hark The Gerold
Angels Sing

There's a new trailer for "Die Papstin" at Behind every great female Pope stands a hunky Frankish knight. A hunky Frankish knight in a lake.
News of a possible upcoming project for David... Icon Entertainment has obtained worldwide sales rights to Oranges and Sunshine, a drama starring Emily Watson, Hugo Weaving, and David Wenham. They've been marketing the film at Cannes
this past week. Directed by Jim Loach, it tells the story of a courageous social worker who uncovered the forced migration
of thousands of children from the United Kingdom to Australia. Shooting is scheduled to begin in the fall.
The Merrick and Rosso website has been updated with two clips from David's appearance on the show....

Clip the First David's explosively mullety directorial debut, "Wenham". Followed closely by David's "damage control guy" debut.
Clip the Second Joel McHale plays "Category 6", with appreciative laughter from David.
Here's an unusual image from patih, via Daisy Daily, originally from
It's an ad for a restaurant called Icebergs at Bondi Beach. Sweet gorilla of Manila, those are some honkin'
huge meatballs.

5/10 -
It's a slow day for real-world David news. Thus, it's a good day for posting the next chapter of
Lawd Of Them Hills, which I found while cleaning out a drawer yesterday. I typed it up first, since it
was scrawled on several sheets of yellow legal paper. (You hear that, Tolkien Estates? Legal
paper. So don't get any funny ideas about suing.) I also found an outline for the final few chapters, so perhaps
it won't take me another five years to finish this story.
If you've never read Lawd of Them Hills, or haven't read it in awhile, it's a hillbilly LOTR crossover fic in
which Mr. Dennis and his two strapping sons, Burris and Ferris, try to save Gondor Holler from expensive, caffeinated
evil. Chapter 1 kicks off with a brave mailman trying to deliver a certified letter to a shotgun-toting Mr. Dennis. Things
go downhill from there.
Oh wait, there is a small piece of David news. He appeared on the Merrick and Rosso show April 30th
along with The Soup's Joel McHale, according to the Comedy Channel on Twitter. There doesn't seem to be any linkable material
in the archives yet, though.
5/8 - Our next guest is a man who occasionally likes to put on a wig, dress up as a talk-show host, and entertain
hundreds of theater-goers....

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

(You may recognize Ursula Yovich (at left) from Australia...she played Daisy, Nullah's mother)

After-party photos

Many more photos at Fotoglif and Zimbio, and you can watch a video clip from the performance at
Public Enemies will debut at the Los Angeles Film Festival, June 18 - 28.
And finally...Management regrets that we're out of complimentary breadsticks, but please enjoy this nice long Triple J interview.
April 2009
4/15 -
4/18 -
As part of the Federal Stimulus bailout package, we've been promised some extra David subsidies this week.
You see, I bundled upThe Bank with some credit default swap derivatives and loaned it out to a group of marginal
credit risks. And we're just too big to fail. So enjoy!
For chronic Faramir/Eowyn Romanceus Interruptus sufferers, there's a new Pope Joan/Die Papstin
photo gallery with therapeutic imagery. It may help. Ask your doctor if Gerold is right for you.

Here's some reading material you may enjoy: David Wenham on Jerry Springer, Jerry Springer: The Opera and Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
And some watching material: At the Sydney Opera House website, a behind the scenes look at rehearsals (click the video button), and another sneak preview from
Zack Snyder Reveals 300 Sequel Details Now, I kind of doubt David is anxious to repeat the intensive physical training he underwent in 300, so
who knows if he'd agree to do a sequel, even if Dilios were involved. But then again, who's to say Dilios
didn't let himself go a little bit after Thermopylae? War is hell on abs.
A second Public Enemies trailer is out.
Next Week: Dessicated Coconut fits 30,000 swear words into a single update.
Quote of the Week
"Confessional television is such a bizarre phenomenon. It's like eating lollies; it tastes
good but it's doing something slightly harmful to you."
-- David Wenham
4/4 -
Seven minute David interview on ROVE (with Rove McManus) at YouTube, broadcast date 3/29/09.
Field reporter meaningofhaste sent us this dispatch: According to the March 30 Sunday Mail article "Hot
Seat Q&A with Tim Ross of Merrick and Rosso", David is scheduled to be a guest on the next series of the "Merrick
and Rosso" comedy show...
You had some impressive guests in the first season. Who are you lining up for the new series?
Myf Warhurst, Tom Williams, David Wenham and Ed Phillips
are doing the show and we have them doing some very cool things for us which may surprise people.
The article goes on to discuss some of their new segments, such as drive-by prank calls and "cat spew
twister". (Now when I was growing up, we called it "hairball hopscotch"). No word on when David's
episode will air, but we'll keep an eye out for it.
March 2009
3/21 -
Nice and Sleazy The Sydney Morning Herald assesses Jerry Springer: The Opera and reveals that to prepare for the role, David marinated
himself in Springer episodes for three straight weeks. (Yikes. Isn't that what they did to Alex in A
Clockwork Orange?)
On March 14, David was a presenter at Sound Relief, a concert to raise money for victims of the recent brushfires in southeast Australia. The lineup included Coldplay,
Kings of Leon, and Midnight Oil. Reports the Australian, "...Actors David Wenham and Jack Thompson, representing the Australian film industry, said it was great to see everyone
Radio interview with John Stanley, in which is discussed Jerry Springer: The Opera, fatherhood, the Newtown Jets, and Mardi Gras.
Here's a couple of new pics from Public Enemies (thanks Minkey & Miwa!) The first is by Michelle Martin.
Note the creatively slanty Batman-villain-lair camera angle:

The second, by a MySpace user named Glenn, shows David at right, among a pretty rough-looking gang of prisoners.
My friend's six-year-old daughter, who happened to pass through the room while I was posting this, studied this
picture for a moment, then asked the following Very Important Question:
"What happens if you're in jail, and you need to throw up? Do they give you a bucket?"
I didn't have the heart to tell her that they probably didn't let John Dillinger's gang bring their special fuzzy
blankies and Nuffle Bunnys to jail either.
3/6 -
"Eternity is two people and a ham." -- Dorothy Parker
Eternity is also waiting for Public Enemies and Pope Joan to come out.
While we wait, have a gander at the Public Enemies trailer....
....and these pics of David with Barry Otto and John Polson (respectively) from In-I (thanks Nenya):

King of the High Sleaze Were you wondering about the cuss-word count of Jerry Springer: The Opera? This article explains much.
From the AAAK! BLEH! PTOO! news bureau: If you live in Georgia, you might want to bite a little more carefully into your M&Ms for awhile. Personally, I'm staunchly in the filet camp when it comes to chocolate, but I understand there may be merits
to the bone-in option. Owl pellets are mentioned as a possible cause, but it's not fully explained what owls
would be doing inside a candy factory.
Sooo, I suppose it would be tacky to suggest a product tie-in for Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Or to share my
recipe for Owl Pellet Cookies. (Hint: Rice Krispies are involved.)
February 2009
2/26 -
Attention pillowcase-wearing horse-marrying midget transvestites! Your prayers have been answered!
Because - yes! - David will be playing Jerry Springer in the Sydney Opera House production of Jerry Springer:
The Opera from April 21 - 25:

Oh, come now, don't act so shocked. It's not like David's previous characters haven't already dabbled in Satan
worship, cross-dressing, white supremacy, and leather nappies. This time, the tables are turned. Not only
turned, but picked up and thrown at a pair of conjoined midgets brawling with a meth-addicted hermaphrodite.
But let's curtail the chit-chat, and get to the goodies:
Sydney Opera House site, official description, and video (video also available on YouTube)
Springer opera: you have been warned David shares a few thoughts about the opera
Coming up: David Wenham to play Jerry Springer April 21 at the blog The Fool and The Opera, with an excellent analysis
Photocall with castmates Kate Miller-Heidke and Ursula Yovich:

More from the AAP site
From Tito Media:

My's full of stars!
(well, someone had to say it)

Seriously...that is one gnarly watermark pattern. Every single electron has been tagged. I think it may be
one of those Magic Eye things. Put your face up close to the screen. Can you see a locomotive? Or a tulip?
What's that? You see a glorious golden burst of sunlight? And lotus-eyed seraphim? And Abyssinian maids playing
dulcimers and singing of Mount Abora?
Actually, that's just David.

Pattern...permanently....burned....on optic nerve..... use...pronouns.......Gone.....
You'll have to click here for the rest, because the web page, she canna take nae more. She will explode.
From the Daily Telegraph, Feb. 25:
Songs of the talk-show devil By Stephen
musical Jerry Springer: The Opera Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House; April21-26, $89-$129,
9250 7777,
YOU might call it sympathy for the devil, but actor David Wenham thinks talk show phenomenon Jerry
Springer is misunderstood.
Springer is host of the very trashy and much-reviled but well-known The Jerry Springer Show.
"He's a conundrum," Wenham says of Springer. "He admits his show is one of the worst things to have
been put on air and that he does have some horrendous things on it but I think underneath he's an amazing person."
Wenham is set to play the title character in the over-the-top stage musical, Jerry Springer: The Opera.
It's the only non-singing role in the production. It's an interesting choice for an actor best known for his movie roles,
such as the evil station manager in Australia, a Spartan warrior in 300, as Faramir in The Lord Of The Rings trilogy and for
his time as Diver Dan in the TV series SeaChange.
"I'm attracted to characters that are really far removed from myself and Jerry is," he says.
While it might be hard to imagine Wenham looking much like Springer, with a pair of glasses, a windswept
hairstyle and a nice suit, there is a certain resemblance.
At any rate, the Marrickville-born actor says he'll be "channelling" the talk show host.
Also playing parts in the musical are singer-songwriter Kate Miller-Heidke, who is Baby Jane, an adult
who enjoys wearing nappies.
"I enjoy my pants and getting my arse spanked and so does my lover," Miller-Heidke says. It's
an outrageous role, to be sure, but one that sits well with Miller-Heidke, who gave up a career in opera to pursue a life
in pop music.
"I could never envision myself doing a traditional opera at this point in my life," she says. "But
this one has [swearing] in it and that pretty much sealed the deal for me."
Ursula Yovich plays Andrea, the lover of a character named Montel. London-based Australian Alison Jiear
plays Shawntel, who dreams of being an exotic dancer.
Reprising his role as the Warm Up Man who eventually turns into the Prince Of Darkness will be West
End star David Bedalla.
The musical, written by Richard Thomas and Stewart Lee, was first staged in 2003 at the UK's National
While many have played the title character, the man best known for starring as Springer is former Starsky
& Hutch star David Soul.
The Australian production will be directed by Gale Edwards, who also directed the latest Australian
revival of the Rocky Horror Show.
Destined to outrage conservative types, the show is packed with swearing (174 expletives in all, according
to Lee) and also features tap-dancing Ku Klux Klansmen and a Jesus character who admits he is "just a little gay".
In the UK, thousands of Christians were outraged after the show was televised.

A non-outraged Christian

More Tropfest (thanks Gonerill!)
The Wentworth Courier has a wee diminutive picture of David and Kate at the Australian Premiere of In-i.
You know, something about this Jerry gig rings a bell. I couldn't put my finger on it. For a long
time, I racked my brains. Then I suddenly remembered an ancient TORC sigpic I made back in

Ah yes.....remember the ferocious debate between the Movie!Faramir and Book!Faramir factions? I wonder
if we'll see a similar debate between Opera!Jerry versus TalkShow!Jerry, only this time it will be over which version
of Jerry isn't trashy enough?
2/22 -
Through VIP Looking Glass
Quirky Comedy Tops The Tropfest
At yesterday's Tropfest film festival, David served as head of the judging panel and presented an award to winner
Genevieve Clay, for her short film Being My Brother. Red-carpet photos (via WireImage/wenhamswans):

Rosie found a blog of test screening reviews for Michael Mann's Public Enemies. It's interesting to David fans in a purely academic sense: no mention
of Harry Pierpont, but it gives you the general flavor* of the film.
The Vatican has set an official date for Father Damien's canonization: Oct. 11. Pope Benedict XVI will preside
over the ceremony, which will also induct four others into sainthood. Full story here (thank you, athelas63, for the link)
2/15 -
David has signed on with the voice cast of Zack Snyder's new animated project, Guardians of Ga'Hoole:
David Wenham is one of Zack Snyder's Guardians
Casting for Watchmen Director's Cartoon
He'll be playing, presumably, an owl. But an evil, beak-twirling Snidely Whiplash owl, or a noble, knightly
owl with one eye, massively pumped up median wing coverts, and long russet feathers? Only time will tell.
Forgot to post this photo last week:

And finally, in today's Grove, my belated review of Children of Huang Shi. The usual spoiler
warnings apply, so don't click that button unless you .... NOO! Oh dear God! The humanity!!
2/7 - From yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald:
Lease of life by Michael Idato
IT IS safe to say that after almost
two decades of walking up and down red carpets for a living - a mathematical impossibility in itself given VIP is a mere slip
of a thing and has just turned 34* - it should come as no surprise that we've been to the opening of everything. Opening of
a window? We caught the breeze, baby. Opening of a wound? We were there, with sponge and forceps on standby. Opening of an
office? Well, it's funny you should ask.
The ticket in question was the opening of the new Sydney office for BlackBerry
corporate titan RIM, a somewhat disturbing acronym that actually stands for Research In Motion. ("What a relief," Plus One
said through her Turkish interpreter when she called from the wilds of Offthebeatentrakistan. "I thought Mardi Gras had started
As tickets go it was an easy lure for Sydney's red-carpet elite, partly because they'd go to the opening of
a door if they thought there was a complimentary canape to be snaffled but largely because you only need to whisper the word
BlackBerry and even the most humble will put his (or her) hand out.
David Wenham played master
of ceremonies, fresh from the set of The Lord Of My Ringtone and a veritable symphony of Titian and Tommy Hilfiger. He seemed
a curious choice, partly because he was so distractingly dashing it was difficult to keep focus on the shiny new BlackBerry
office but largely because we didn't think mobile phone coverage in Middle Earth was actually very good.
remainder of the guest list was somewhat more eclectic - Dr Cindy Pan, undoubtedly there to dispense occupational health tips
for BlackBerry use; model-turned-modelling mavenista Charlotte Dawson, tutoring people on BlackBerry deportment; and Siobhan
Fahey from Bananarama, which my close friend Lady Duckworth assures me is not an ice-cream flavour but a terribly well-known
girl band from the British Isles.
While VIP talked music trends with Bananarama and Lady Duckworth, Best Friend seemed
preoccupied with Dr Suave deSuave, a dashing Double Bay plastic surgeon who was only slightly more diverting than Mr Wenham
himself. (Curiously, by the time we were at a post-function dinner, Best Friend was looking decidedly tauter. Good light?
Maybe. But a little backstairs surgique de plaste cannot be ruled out.)
Perhaps the most disturbing discovery of the
night is that even office openings have after-parties, so the social set were dispatched to Sydney's almost-ubiquitous Ivy
Pool Club, where the fabulous congregate for the purpose of splashing and thrashing. There was chatter, there was hilarity.
There was almost certainly something inappropriate going on in Cabana #3 and, unless social mores have changed since my generation,
there are a number of young lassies who ought to be having a good, hard think about themselves this morning. Dress code? Tankini
and clogs. Chance of getting out alive? 50/50. Just remember - it's women, VIPs and BlackBerrys first.
* Actual age
may differ.
Ready for a plethora of photos (courtesy of Minkey)? Here we go. Please hold onto
the handrail, and keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.

By the way, I don't think they put enough watermarks on there.

Toasting with Adele Beachley

With Adele Beachley and Siobhan Fahey of Banarama

With Bianca Dye

With Tom McDonald and his wife
From today's Sydney Morning Herald:
Murdoch matriarch's big day in by Andrew Hornery
. . .
Who would have guessed that David Wenham was a closet Bananarama fan? Certainly not one
of the band's founders, Siobhan Fahey, who looked a little bewildered after being introduced to Wenham at Tuesday night's
BlackBerry party. And how did the cool, calm and collected heart-throb react? Like a giggling schoolgirl on a first date.
Sydney is set to host Fahey for at least another month, as the pop music legend, who went on to co-found Shakespear's Sister,
is extending her holiday. The London-based 50-year-old has been something of a recluse of late, avoiding the spotlight despite
her international fame. Fahey co-wrote many of Bananarama's major hits, including Cruel Summer, Robert DeNiro's Waiting, I
Heard A Rumour, and Love In The First Degree, helping the band sell 40 million records. In 1987 she married Dave Stewart of
Eurythmics. They had two sons, Sam and Django, before splitting up in 1996. She found success again with Shakespear's Sister,
particularly in the ballad Stay. More recently she has been a DJ, dabbling in more off-beat projects and pursuing her musical
From today's Daily Telegraph:
Wenham sticks up for Nicole
HE may play the villain
in the outback melodrama but Australia actor David Wenham is a nice guy when it comes to his co-stars, sticking up for pal
Nicole Kidman and the toxic reviews she has been bombarded with since the film premiered in November.
While the Sydneysider
managed to escape a lot of attention associated with the Baz Luhrman flick, with the heat turning to Kidman and Hugh Jackman
after international reviews slammed everything from production to performance, Wenham told Confidential the criticisms were
"She [Kidman] has received this barrage of nasty personal press and I just can't work out why,'' he said.
movie could never be considered a flop. It's no mega-hit but it's not a flop.''
And he's on to something, with figures
showing Australia is the second highest-grossing Aussie movie with $310 million.
January 2009
1/28 -
Schepisi in the wars, but hopeful Not so good news today: An Italian financier has backed out at the last minute, leaving Last Man temporarily
without funding.
Sigh. Looks like we're going to have to have that bake sale after all, if we ever want to see this film. I've
been busy in the kitchen this morning, whipping up a little something to raise the funds needed to get this project
underway. It's an amusing cassata of goji-infused Riesling jelly and rare cacaos hauled by donkeys through
the jungles of Venezuela, garnished with 1st century B.C. Roman strawberries excavated from an archaeological dig at Fiesole,
draped with an 80-carat aquamarine pendant, and served in a candied Fendi handbag. Price tag: $5,550,000.
That should cover it, right? Assuming, of course, that the Sultan of Brunei will be attending our bake sale.
Plan B: hack off slices from a frozen Pillsbury cookie dough log, bung them in the oven for ten minutes, charge 50
cents apiece, and sell....oh, 12 or 15 million cookies. That ought to do it.
Somehow, some way, this film must, and will, be made. Have faith, dear friends.
300 in 1-D!
Above: a scene from the newly released trailer
THRILL to the realistic one-dimensional attack of thousands of ferocious Persian dots!
GASP as Dilios, seen edge-on, rallies the troops!
LIFELIKE colored blobs, squashed to a point, flicker in and out of existence!
The action practically JUMPS off the filament! Six-packs become no-packs! King Lineidas and the Spot-ans make their
final, compressed stand at the Hot Segment of Thermopylae!
(Oh, you wanted to see this in 3D? Sorry. Everybody's tightening their belts these days. Even the
entertainment industry.)
1/9 -
Starting the new year off in style, German TV (Leute Heute on ZDF) and missdaisy bring us these glimpses
of David in costume for Pope Joan. The German release date is currently scheduled for Oct. 29.

Here's a screencap from a Public Enemies slideshow/video at Vix's blog (

And lastly, this article (contributed by Minkey) will provide medical reassurance should you be experiencing
any unusual upper respiratory symptoms as a result of seeing Australia: Australian flu: how to tell your lozzies from your Lemmies