galadiance (n.) Multiple twinkling highlights on each pupil, caused by proximity to Christmas tree lights.
the restaurant Sheila artfully seated herself across from her date, facing the lights in the front window, so that her eyes
would sparkle with galadiance.
galadrill (n.) A practice run-through for a thermonuclear hissy fit. (v.) To pitch the mother of all
tantrums without really meaning it.
No, I'm not really mad at you. It was just a galadrill.
Galadvil (n.) Over-the-counter remedy for headaches brought on by terrifying visions.
Pass the
galadvil...we're coming up on the mirror scene.
(Joke-ruining note: "Advil" is a brand name for ibuprofen in the US)
Gamlinger (v.) To hang out at a battle just a little too long.
gandgulf (n.) A deep shaft, in which classical Newtonian physics are suspended.
Vanessa fell
into the Gandgulf ten minutes after her sword, parachute, and breakfast burrito took the plunge; but she was able to overtake
all of them quickly, slay the Balrog, and solve Fermat's last theorem before hitting bottom.
Gap of Rohan (n.) Trendy clothing store which sells sassy, low-rise armor and flared denim greaves.
Garlicbereth (n.) Greatly revered and feared Pizza Queen. 'Tis said that her speech, nay, her very presence
caused instant death. Also known as Gilthonionel (Oven-Kindler).
gate tectonics (n.) The tendency of sinkholes, when emanating from evil fortresses, to stop right at
the feet of the opposing army.
ghan-buried-ghan (adj.) A book character so completely cut out from the cinematic edition of LOTR, that
nobody even remembers who they were. May also denote a friend that you haven't thought of in years.
"What happened
to Goldberry?"
"Oh, didn't I tell you? She's ghan-buried-ghan."
gimleap (n.) A dwarf-toss.
give it to me raw and wriggling (interj.) 1) To ask for the unvarnished truth.
Don't sugarcoat
it, Doc...give it to me raw and wriggling.
2) To express a preference for the purest, least watered-down version
of something.
No, don't bother with the olive, the vermouth, or the little umbrella. Give me my vodka rrrraw, and
glamstring (n.) A special, extrasensory Elven muscle that controls curvature of cheekbones and glistening
of brows.
Figwit couldn't make it to Helm's Deep, because he'd pulled a glamstring.
glorfondle (v.) To neck with an elf.
glorinfidel (n.) One who believes Arwen was much better qualified to carry Frodo to the Ford.
go take a long, long, long, long flaming leap off a long, long, long pier (colloq.) Gondorian slang
for "get lost!"
gon-dorian Gray (n.) Eternally youthful, dissipated knight with a bit of a Wilde streak.
gondorla (n.) Boromir’s funeral boat.
gondorphins (n.) Pleasurable neurotransmitters released in response to faramones.
audience sighed as its collective gondorphin level climbed.
gondorrhea (n.) Also known as "Steward's Revenge". According to the guidebooks, you shouldn't drink
the water at Minas Tirith.
gondorsal fin (n.) Nickname for a permanent cowlick of hair caused by wearing pointy Gondorian helmets.
Try as he might, Faramir couldn't make his gondorsal fin lie flat. And tonight was the big dance!
gondorsement (n.) Public approval of a product by a Steward for advertising purposes.
Denethor’s posthumous gondorsement of Scorch-O-Riffic® matches, sales caught fire.
gorebag (n.) Two-handled tote used by the Orcs to carry souvenir body parts.
Hands off my gorebag,
gorgorgorp (n.) Unsavory mixture of rodent parts, dried mallorn bark, and chocolate skulls eaten by
Orcs while trudging to the gates of Mordor.
Grammar Wormtongue (n.) Prim, annoying counselor who drove Theoden mad by continually correcting his
"Ain't is improper English," scolded Grammar Wormtongue. "Say ai not instead."
grey cravens (n.) Irresistible yearning to watch the end of ROTK
Sheila, an expectant mom, was
plagued by grey cravens.
Gray Heavings (n.) Bilbo and Frodo suffered a slight bout of "mal de mer" as their ship departed for
the West.
Grey Pill Grim (colloq.) In a medicatively depressed state of mind.
grimoniker (n.) An unfortunate name that drives a character to a life of crime.
name is Hissy Evilpants?” said Theoden. “You’re hired!”
Hissy smiled. No longer would the other
kids make fun of his grimoniker.
Grishnakhov (n.) Famous Orc ballet dancer. Acclaimed for his virtuoso performances in Fell Beast
Lake, Sleeping Ugly, and La Fille Mal Isengardee, Uruk-hail Grishnakhov grew up in the same area of
Mordor where Orcs take "breathers" and order food from "menus".
grondolences (n.) An expression of sincere regret at having smashed in someone's gate.
Gwaihire (v.) To rent an eagle.
haldiridescent (adj.) Shiny, in the special way that only elves can be.
haldirt (n.) Elven tabloid gossip.
Halflint (n.) Crumbs and schmutz found in hobbits' pocketses.
haradar (n.) Uncanny ability to sense trespassers, kill them, and eulogize them.
The forest
was quiet that day. Faramir's haradar tingled.
Helm Scissorhand (n.) King of Rohan. Accidentally destroyed all of the topiary in the Westfold. Died
in the Second Age while running. Played by Johnny Depp.
Helm-lich maneuver (n.) The forceful ejection of elves, through the judicious application of explosives.
Helm's Deet (n.) Military-grade brand of mosquito repellant used by the Fellowship as they ventured
through the Midgewater Marsh.
Helm's Depot (n.) Mountain chain store for fortress improvement supplies.
At Helm’s Depot,
Gamling bought an Achilles Heel® sewer grate and a can of Snowboard-Eze stair lubricant.
Helm's Shallow (adj.) A person who attends battles mostly for the chance to watch hunky elves and
hunky humans beating on each other hunkily, and dying hunky deaths.
You've got wallpaper of Haldir's death scene?
That is so Helm's Shallow!
henneth annoy (v.) To pester the Rangers.
"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there
yet?" asked Sam.
"Shutup! I'm getting henneth annoyed with you two," growled Damrod.
Henneth An-nun (n.) One who is sworn to a lifetime of poverty, obedience, chastity, and wasting oliphaunts
with arrows.
henneth annunGGHHH!! (interj.) The moment in a 3-hour movie where, after you have consumed several wastebasket-sized
sodas, a waterfall scene appears.
henneth enunciate (n.) To speak slowly and very clearly regarding the local fishing laws.
thing all the Rangers have been taught how to henneth enunciate, because you can’t see their faces under their hoods.
he's all that & a bag of nasssty chips (colloq.) A backhanded compliment.
hobbathos (n.) To wreck a beautiful passage or poem with the addition of a lame, anticlimactic coda.
Examples of hobbathos include:
All shall fade…all shall fade…
Jesus wept buckets.
I came, I saw, I conquered. Then I had a snack.
horn cloven in two (colloq.) euphemism for "passed away". Variant: “it ain't over till the horn
is cloven”.
Let us bow our heads in a moment of silence for Pepito the hamster, whose horn was prematurely
cloven in two.
Houses of Peeling (n.) The sunburn ward at Minas Tirith.
Howard Spoor (n.) Fragments of soundtrack music that drift into your head, hatch, and take permanent
root. Howard Spoor is extremely difficult to eradicate.