small calrification...
I was so close to DW at time during the performance
that sometimes when he really threw his voice sometimes a little saliva would spray.. oh and sweat did pour off his manly
forehead and spray as he was swash-buckling.. so there you have body fluids... it was a unidirectional exchange only... thus
far. now back to the story:
am standing in the main entrance
DW-sadcase next to me
I begin to wonder if i'd been given a bum steer.. what
if the Usher got it wrong??
what would happen if DW came out the Stage Door not the Front/Main door??????
if the Usher was secretly trying to deny me my first DW encounter...unmasked?
I say .. hey I'll go around the
corner to see what's up.....
I descend steps.. steep and caressed by the late afternoion sun
I continue to
walk past some large postmodern curved concrete wall
my thoughts are bleak
I walk around the corner
a sign
three Japanese girls waiting there
Girls.. do you have a mobile?"
blank looks all around
" ok.. do you have a mobile phone.. I have one and
I'm going to wait at the main entrance.. if he comes out there I will Text you, and if he comes here I will text you. OK?"
"Ah , so desu ka?"
one girl lickily spoke a smattering of english
all 3 had some really hight
tech mobile phones written in Japanese
two looked rather blank.. not malicious, but that "i don't speak English and
I don't understand stare"
we finally work out that I have to SMS an international number.. can my phone
do that???
busy..programming the number in my phone
heart racing
stress levels rising
if he's out the front door???
the girls are struggling to get my phone number
"what is Australia's area code?"
61-#### *** $$$
plus whatever Japan's international access code is
back is turned to the door
three of us struggling with the technology........
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