and David Wenham steps out
what is reality like?????
the bottom of my glass is empty
and reality is blurred
four pairs of eyes turn around
the object of our obsession is before us
three other girls giggle and wave their hands
wulffie looks at DW's profile
his nose is the same size as mine!!
lucky man
he has a little stubble on his cheeeks and the acne scars that are sometimes seen on the large screen have largely
invisible his eyes are a piercing blue, his eyelashes golden red framing them beautifully his ears are not pierced
nor are they as sticky out as they appearin pictures
his hair is dark strawberry blonde it's plastered to
his head after a long perormance he looks tired
publicist woman is chatting away saying
" we can do this..or
the other"
he is preoccupied
he says to fix it as whatever needs to be done
he is wearing faded blue
jeans and a white shirt with a pattern of small blue flowers, the top three buttons undone his ginger chest hair showing
through his shirt is hanging out (PFAZ I'm sure would have offered to tuck him in) his build is very slight, with
fine wrists and slender hands, well manicured he looks really tired after the performance
he turns around and
gives us his undivided attention
J1 J2 and J3 ask for autographs
scribble scribble scribble
stands back then she says " can I take a picture?" DW- "no pictures" SW-"But I'll be heartbroken"
he smiles
I laugh "ok small exageration then'"
DW- "did you enjoy the show?"
SW-" yes".. i said distractedly
digging thru my handbag I turn out my ticket and give it to him to autograph
so I have his scrawl on a small piece
of cardboard
easier to store. no?
the other fans give him a card I try to mentioin dessicated coconut but the publicist hurries him along
is somewhat disappointed she did not even get an exclusive interview for that illustrious website "Dessicated Coconut"
and no photos were
taken as far as David saw
Q & A Followup
(by various Avid Readers)
Q: Wulffie - how tall is he???
well he did not seem very tall to me I WAS wearing 4cm (1 1/2 inch ) heels but
he was SLOUCHING...
my guess 5'11" to 6'
I forgot to check his footwear ( he was wearing 4 cm heels during
the performance, as were all the Gascon Cadets)
some of his fellow actors are taller ( Le Bret, Le Guiche and prob
Christian too)
I also thought about giving him a peck on the cheek
for purely scientific purposes
did not dare ( sorry Fazguls)
and it was such a lightning appearence
I only happened to be at the right
place at the right time by fluke
so I am pleased by that
I reckon 179-180 cm.. ie 5'10 1/2" - 5'11"
sweet too with a little twinkle in
his eye
having done my compatibility test ( remember those) our best match was intellectual.. I would love to have
a chat with him about hsi approach to his work and sundry other questions
and since I've rarely gone foraging
for autographs I'd have to admit that you "Guls inspired me
Are his eyes as gorgeous as they look in pictures and on screen? Please do an in depth report of at least 500 words on
his eyes.
And he's slight? (aka skinny). I don't care - I can do good roast dinners........
There were a lot of Japanese fans coming to see him thay congrgated on the right side
of the Auditorium because that is where he comes down in the first scene ( I found that out from the friendly Usher)
went to the matinee on a weekday with the pensioners, schoolgroups and other assorted oddbods
sadly I did not get
a programme .. I was going to take a photo..right??
he is on the tall side of average but not strappingly tall
he is
sweet, bt guarded almost like a rabbit in headlights... I guess he wants his work to beadmired but wants to take that hat
off when he finishes and return to anonimity
his eyes go from icy blue with hauteur to brught blue sapphires with
passion or anger.. even when acting
and as he was dying on stage his eyes lost their luminosity.. it was astounding
he has the most beautiful blue eyes I could look at them all evening .. while asking him lots of questions.. being
very naturally curious
I think the worst bit was telling the other girl we'd seen David and she 'd missed out on his
but then again she'll get another chance... unlike me
Q: Guarded as in shy,as well, sh_wulff? 
Guarded as in cautious ad almost protective of self
different from shy which is afraid
making contact
another Cyrano review with accompanying picture here
Q: What about his lips?
his lips
are soft and flexible looking and very pink and moist
Kissable... yup I'd say so..sadly not from personal experience
unlike some thin hard looking lips
Q: And his voice?
hsi voice is soft and "cultured", with a slight nasal
twang very "come hither".. you know one does lean closer to the softly spoken ones
Q: Did he look pale?
he was slightly tanned.. not as dark as in "Dust".. morre "josh"-like oh he did not have
dark circles under his eyes
I agree, he does not like to show himself off at all.. if he's Cyrano he's out there ,
DW is however a cipher
oh and the average height in Australia is 5"10 (178 cm)
Q: Did you get close enough to smell his aftershave?
aromatic? well he did not reek of aftershave or cologne nor did he sport
the miasma of a men's locker room... nor did he have that gut-wrenching sour stal-smoke and too much alcohol smell in
summary innofensive ( smell is highly woman's meat is another's poison as they say) ie not too strong, not too
anything..just right..maybe? my nose did not exactly stand at attention ( as in what a deluscious dish.. unlike some men
Performance.. with spoilers
Was he believable as Cyrano? yes.. he embodied Cyrano.. slightly foppish, belligerent and
rapier sharp wit, he held attention through the comedic parts with excellent timing and in the solemn parts he had stature
an example of his vocal virtuosity .. as part of the play he pretends he is Christian in the shadows.. his voice changes
accordingly.. and then as he lies dying of a mortal wound he uses that same voice to read the farewell letter Christian allegedly
Roxanne recognizes the voice at last
and she and the audience are suitably heartbroken
I had
a lot of sympathy for Cyrano.. he made him real to me despite the stagey steeing and the sometimes manneristic representation
any funny bits? did you laugh? cry?
if by funny bits you mean hanky-panky..
there were lots of lines with sexual innuendo but the closest we got to a kiss was Roxanne avoiding a kiss from an overenthusiastic
suitor ( oh apart from the kiss at the wedding between Roxanne and Chistian... which was better than the A+A kiss in ROTK..
by a country mile)
there was a great deal of verbal humour including calling a homosexual Count a"limp overripe
banana" many plays on phrases including nose or smell
Cyrano pretends he's a Man from the Moon to distract "le
Guche" ( an unwanted suitor fo Roxanne's) while Roxanne and Christian's wedding is taking pace offstage the verbal raillery
is delightful and absurd
DW does a phenomenal job in hilding the audiences attentions
laughs.. too many to
count.. belly laughs; outraged giggles; sidesplitting laughs; I'm gonna wet my pants laughs; I don't believe this laughs..
and lastly I'm laughing so hard I'm gonna cry laughs
but I did not cry... I had worn my non-water proof mascara I
did not want to end up looking like a panda.. even I have my vanity
as for the sad bits his dying scene, with
its autumnal setting and maple leaves fluttering down signifyingthe guttering of Cyrano's soul's candle
3 feet away..little
tears brimming in those blue eyes of his Roxanne cradling him gently on her lap... oh my heart and er..almost..bu&&er
my mascara!! er yes I also had little tears brimming in my eyes and the incidental violin music.... heartbreaking
to say the least
as for Cyrano and Roxanne kissing
doesn't happen.. they hold hands,he whispers in his ear
sh cradles him on his lap running her hands through his hair caressing his head wound with utmost care
I wish
I were in her place
and for the curtain call.. he did that little "Faramir" bow
this is
Wulffie's hands on autopilot
teh brain is currently dangerously over heated
I hope that is enough info.. but love to answer things best I can
There's No Place Like Home >> (return to Dessicated Coconut)